What is Search.crazytvsearch.com?
Did Search.crazytvsearch.com show up in your browser when you opened it? Well, we have bad news for you. It seems that your computer has been penetrated by a browser hijacker. And, if this hijacker find a way to your browsers, it is quite possible that your PC has been infected with a number of malware threats, too. According to our malware researchers at anti-spyware-101.com, this hijacker can change your browser settings and introduce you to potentially harmful web content. Keeping this unreliable search engine page in your browsers could end badly for you. This is why we suggest that you remove Search.crazytvsearch.com as soon as possible. If you need a browser extension to enable you to quickly access TV and movie-related websites, you should continue searching for a free tool that is actually reliable and without any risks.
Where does Search.crazytvsearch.com come from?
Our researchers say that there are mainly two ways you can infect your system with this browser hijacker. It is possible that you have adware programs on board, which can display unreliable third-party ads while you are browsing the web. Clicking on a pop-up or banner ad coming from these ad-supported programs, such as InteliTerm, TermTrident, and SwiftSearch, can easily result in your downloading and installing this hijacker. Another similar way is that you install a freeware bundle that contains this browser hijacker among other malware threats. You can download such infectious bundles if you land on questionable file-sharing websites and click on some infected content, such as third-party ads. Sometimes it is not even needed that you click because the page may contain a banner that can run a script upon loading the page and that may drop a package of “nasties” onto your computer. You need to be extra careful when you are viewing unfamiliar websites because you may get deceived easily by tricky third-party ads that may, for example, pose as buttons. That is why our specialists recommend that you only use reputable and official websites whenever you want to download free applications or other files (music, books, and movies).
Another important thing to mention about these shady bundles is that just because you download one, it does not mean you have to install the whole content. You may be offered an opportunity to opt out but you need to be careful not to overlook this. Sometimes you can only opt out if you choose the custom installation method. But it is possible that this time or previously you let a whole package on board. That is why we think it is best for you to delete Search.crazytvsearch.com and perform a malware scan on your computer to find all other threats as well. Without eliminating all infections your computer will never be totally safe.
How does Search.crazytvsearch.com work?
We have found that this hijacker is identical to Search.myspeedtestxp.com, Search.mygamesxp.com, and Search.mycouponsxp.com, which indicates that they all work exactly the same way. If you find any of these malware infections in your browsers, we hope that you understand the risks already and know now what to do. This search engine page offers you easy-access links on a fake toolbar related to TV and movies among others. Below the search box you can also find a number of thumbnails leading to reputable and popular websites, including Facebook, Amazon, and IMDb. While it is possible that this hijacker might inject third-party ads into the linked websites in order to promote affiliates, it is more likely that it will modify the search results to include ads and sponsored links for the same reason. After entering your search keywords, you will be redirected to the extsearch.maxwebsearch.com server that reroutes right away to a potentially altered Yahoo results page. You may think that you can take the Yahoo results for granted, but you should not forget that you land there after a redirection. If you click on any content that leads to a malicious site, you may infect your computer with more malware programs, but that is just the “best” that can happen. In a worst case scenario, you may also be scammed by criminals, for example, into disclosing precious personal information or even banking details. If you care about your virtual security, you should not let such a hijacker expose you to such risks. We believe that for your own good you should remove Search.crazytvsearch.com come as soon as you can.
How do I remove Search.crazytvsearch.com?
Unfortunately, in order to get rid of this threat you cannot just simply run an uninstaller through Control Panel; although, you can start the removal process by running this uninstaller. But you should know that this leaves leftovers and only clears its mess up in Internet Explorer. Since this hijacker may change your home page, new tab page as well as the default search engine settings in your browsers, we believe that resetting your browsers is the best way to solve this problem. If you are more of a “manual type,” we have also included a guide below with step-by-step instructions. Since it involves editing the Windows Registry database, we recommend that you only go for the manual method if you know the risks of making a mistake in the registry. Please follow our instructions below if you need assistance with the aforementioned options. Also, let us know if you need extra help by leaving a comment below.
Remove Search.crazytvsearch.com from browsers
Windows 8/Windows 8.1/Windows 10
- Press Win+X and pick Programs and Features.
- Click on the application and click Uninstall.
Windows Vista/Windows 7
- Open the Start menu and choose Control Panel.
- Select Uninstall a program.
- Click on the application and click Uninstall.
Windows XP
- Press Win+R and type in Control Panel. Hit OK.
- Choose Add or Remove Programs.
- Click on the application and click Remove.
Reset your browsers
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Alt+H and go to Troubleshooting Information.
- Press Refresh Firefox and click Refresh Firefox again.
- Press Finish.
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F and go to Settings.
- At the bottom, click Show advanced settings.
- Scroll down and click Reset settings.
- Click Reset in the pop-up.
Manual Guide
Internet Explorer
- Press Win+R and type in regedit. Click OK.
- Locate HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\ Start Page (64-bit!) and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page, and overwrite the value data (“http://Search.crazytvsearch.com”) with a home page URL of your choice.
- Locate HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page and overwrite the value data (“http://Search.crazytvsearch.com”) with a home page URL of your choice.
- Close the registry editor.
Google Chrome
- Press Win+E to launch File Explorer.
- Locate “C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default” folder.
- Remove Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data files OR edit them in a text editor: Overwrite “http://Search.crazytvsearch.com” with any URL of your choice.
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Win+E to open File Explorer.
- Locate “C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\” folder.
- Enter the {Unique Mozilla user ID} folder and open prefs.js with a text editor.
- Locate the string user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", " http://Search.crazytvsearch.com") and overwrite “Search.crazytvsearch.com” with a home page URL of your choice.
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