Salsa Ransomware

What is Salsa Ransomware?

If Salsa Ransomware manages to infiltrate your system, you can probably lose all your personal files in this malicious attack when you do not have a backup. We keep emphasizing the importance of regularly saving your files to a cloud storage place or a portable disk. As a matter of fact, it is safer if you backup your files onto a drive that is only connected to your PC while you are transferring data because some of the ransomware infections are capable of stealing information from you and access your cloud accounts to take your files hostage there, too. Of course, you are offered a way out if you are ready to pay a certain amount to have your files automatically decrypted. But there is never any guarantee that you will really get the decryption key, a tool, or your files will just “magically” decipher themselves. Since this is a dangerous threat to your computer and your personal files, we recommend that you remove Salsa Ransomware immediately after you are informed of its devastating job.test

Where does Salsa Ransomware come from?

Usually, there is no surprise for us how such a severe threat can enter a computer without the knowledge of the victim. This ransomware program seems to use the generally preferred techniques to spread its poison all over the net. The main channel of this infection seems to be spam e-mails. Do not think for a second that just because you have a spam filter, you will not be exposed to potentially harmful e-mails. It is possible that a more sophisticated spam lands either in your spam or inbox folder. The main weapon of such a spam is making you believe that you just have got a “must-see” e-mail. This spam can seem to come from totally legitimate senders, such as the local police department, your Internet provider, your bank, or any other well-known company.

Could you say no to a mail that allegedly refers to an unpaid invoice, a booking that went wrong, a flight ticket that was purchased with wrong banking details? Well, unfortunately, a lot of unsuspecting computer users fall for this trick even if they are not inexperienced. Ransomware infections are one of the main reasons why prevention becomes so vital for you. Once someone is bitten by such a “snake,” they are more likely to enhance their security. But why wait till you are hit by such a nightmare? You need to remember that when you realize that your computer has been attacked, it will be too late to delete Salsa Ransomware from your system because it will not stop the encryption process.

Another possibility for you to end up with such a major threat on your PC is to download files from shady file-sharing pages (torrent and freeware) because these may promote bundles that could contain a number of malware infections, including Salsa Ransomware. But you may also get redirected to a malicious website that contains Exploit Kits (e.g., Angler) that can drop this infection onto your machine behind your back and all you need to do is load this page in your browser. If you want to use a safe computer, we suggest that you keep your programs and drivers updated, but first, you should remove Salsa Ransomware.

How does Salsa Ransomware work?

This ransomware program creates a folder “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\DONOTDELETESALSA” that contains the .exe file to run, which is access by a Run registry entry to start this infection up whenever you log in to your system. Apart from this, it also creates a folder called "CLICK HERE TO UNLOCK YOUR FILES SALSA222" all over your system. This folder contains that ransom note text file in .html format called "READ TO UNLOCK FILES.salsa.html." The whole encryption process may take a very short time. Your encrypted files will have a new extension: “.salsa222.”

Once your personal files have been taken hostage, i.e., encrypted with probably the AES-256 algorithm, the ransom note pops up on your screen to make sure that you do not miss it and understand what is going on with your files. According to our malware specialists at, it is possible that this infection demands different fees from its victims. This assumption is based on the fact that there are at least two different amounts we have encountered while testing and researching this threat. It is possible that you will be asked to pay either 100 US dollars or 540 dollars in Bitcoins to a given wallet address. In this case, these criminals promise to automatically decrypt your files once your transfer is done. But how can you believe some crooks who just attacked your computer and locked your files? What is the guarantee? On the other hand, why would you support cyber criminals even if your files are at stake here? Well, you need to make up your mind about this all and we cannot stop you from paying the ransom fee if you should decide so. We certainly advise you to delete Salsa Ransomware as soon as possible.

How can I remove Salsa Ransomware?

This may come as a surprise but it is not too difficult to eliminate this dangerous threat from your system. All you need to do is locate the related files, folders, and registry entry, and delete them. In order to help you manually take care of this we have included step-by-step instructions for you below this article. Keep in mind that this serious infection may not be the only one threatening your PC, and it is also possible that further malware programs may hit your computer. In order to protect your virtual world efficiently, we suggest that you employ a reputable security program. For example, anti-malware software like SpyHunter can automatically defend your system against all known malware infections.

Remove Salsa Ransomware from Windows

  1. Tap Win+Q and enter regedit. Hit Enter.
  2. Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Salsa222 value name (where value data is: "C:\ProgramData\DONOTDELETESALSA\Salsa222.exe").
  3. Exit the editor.
  4. Tap Win+E.
  5. Delete all suspicious .exe files you have downloaded recently.
  7. Empty your Recycle Bin and reboot your system.
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