What is Rsa-4096 Ransomware?
Rsa-4096 Ransomware, also known as TeslaCrypt (3.0 version) Ransomware, is a malicious application that will turn your life into a nightmare. We say so because this infection locks victims’ personal files without mercy. This might sound like something new, but we can assure you – there is nothing new about this. Ransomware infections are developed by cyber criminals with the intention of obtaining users’ money. Some of them open screen-locking windows, whereas others lock the most valuable files found on the system. Rsa-4096 Ransomware belongs to the second group of ransomware infections, as you have probably already understood. It uses RSA-4096 (encryption algorithm) to lock victims’ files, which means that users need to have a unique key to unlock them. As you will see for yourself, you will be offered to purchase it from cyber criminals. This might sound like a good idea at first, but, believe us, it is not. There is a huge possibility that you will not get anything from cyber criminals, so, please, keep your Bitcoins to yourself. No matter what your final decision is, do not forget to remove the ransomware infection from your computer. Since it creates a Value in the Run registry key, you will find your new files encrypted after the system restart too if you do nothing because Rsa-4096 Ransomware will stay active.
What does Rsa-4096 Ransomware do?
Rsa-4096 Ransomware is a typical file-encrypting ransomware infection. Once it successfully infiltrates computers, it goes to lock files found on them the first thing. It should target those files users need the most, for example, documents, music, pictures, and other files. Unfortunately, users find out that they have encountered ransomware when it is already too late, i.e. when their files have already been encrypted. Even though ransomware infections lock data silently, it is impossible not to notice that files have been locked because it is no longer possible to open any of them. Additionally, original extensions of these affected files are changed. You might find .mp3, .micro, .ttt, .xxx, or another extension appended to those files. Do not waste your time trying to remove it because nothing will change. A bunch of encrypted files is, of course, the first thing victims find on their PCs, but it is not the only sign of the successful entrance of Rsa-4096 Ransomware. If it is really the one that has locked your personal files, you will also find several new files dropped on your computer: Recovery+{5 random symbols}.html, Recovery+{5 random symbols}.png, and Recovery+{5 random symbols}.txt. All these files contain a ransom note. You will be explained why it is no longer possible to access the majority of your personal files and what you can do about that. Without a doubt, cyber criminals behind Rsa-4096 Ransomware want your money. You will make a huge mistake if you make a payment. All these encrypted files could be restored from a backup, so if you have copies of your files, you do not even need the special decryptor crooks have.
Where does Rsa-4096 Ransomware come from?
No doubt you have not downloaded Rsa-4096 Ransomware consciously from the web. According to our researchers, this malicious application should be distributed via malicious emails mainly, so we highly recommend ignoring emails sent from unknown senders, especially if they hold attachments. These malicious attachments might be disguised as important documents, but they will install malware on your computer if you open them, we can assure you. We have to admit that it is not easy to protect the system against all malicious applications. Some threats are more surreptitious than others, so if you want to be sure that no malicious applications can slither onto your computer, you should install a security application on your system and set it to be active 24/7.
How to delete Rsa-4096 Ransomware
You must remove Rsa-4096 Ransomware fully as soon as possible so that this malicious application could not lock more files on your computer. It creates an entry in the Run registry key, it drops several files you will have to delete, and, finally, as mentioned in the second paragraph of this report, it drops several ransom notes to all affected directories. If our manual removal guide (see below) does not help you to remove the ransomware infection much, feel free to use an antimalware scanner to have active threats deleted for you.
Rsa-4096 Ransomware removal guide
- Tap Win+R.
- Type regedit in the box.
- Click OK.
- Access HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Right-click on the malicious Value and select Delete.
- Close Registry Editor.
- Press Win+E to open Windows Explorer.
- Access %WINDIR% and remove the malicious executable.
- Go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents.
- Delete two malicious .exe files.
- Remove three files from all affected directories: Recovery+{5 random symbols}.html, Recovery+{5 random symbols}.png, and Recovery+{5 random symbols}.txt .
- Empty Trash.
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