What is Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware?
The name of the Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware is directly linked to the demands of the cyber criminals who have created it. This ransomware was designed to encrypt your keys, and, when it does that, it introduces its victims to a TXT file that orders them to contact radxlove7@india.com or radix.love@aol.com. The latter email address is represented as an alternative one in those cases when users do not get a response by emailing the first one, but they both serve the same purpose. If you contact cyber crooks, they are likely to respond shortly with additional instructions pushing you to pay a ransom. The fee for the decryption of your files might be very big, and that is not the only reason why paying it is not what Anti-Spyware-101.com malware researchers recommend. If you are completely confused about this infection, and you do not know how to remove Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware, you should keep reading.
How does Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware work?
According to our research, Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware is based on the CrySIS Ransomware engine, and it belongs to the same family of malware as Redshitline Ransomware, Vegclass@aol.com Ransomware, Meldonii@india.com Ransomware, and other threats that we have reviewed in the past. In most cases, these threats request the victims to establish communication with cyber criminals before they are provided with the information on how to decrypt files. The decryption key is hidden to make the ransom payment the only option to get the files back. It was found that these files encrypted using the RSA-2048 algorithm, and, according to our malware analysts, it is impossible to decrypt them manually. Even third-party decryption tools are unlikely to help you. If you have put the two together, you must realize that paying the ransom is the only option. The bad news is that even if you have the sum of money requested by this threat, paying this ransom might be a waste of money. What is the motive for cyber criminals to keep their word and help you with the decryption of your files? They definitely do not need to do that for their reputation. So, if you are thinking about paying the ransom, think about the risk of wasting your savings.
Besides encrypting your files (the monstrous “.id-[user ID].{radxlove7@india.com}.xtbl” is attached to them), Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware also changes your Desktop wallpaper. This wallpaper carries the exact same message as the "Decryption instructions.txt" file does, but it certainly is more intimidating and aggressive. The instructions we have created below include a step that allows you to get rid of this wallpaper, and you should find it at C:\Users\user\Decryption instructions.jpg. Once you get rid of all components of this dangerous ransomware, you should implement a trusted, legitimate malware scanner to analyze your Windows operating system. In the best case scenario, no threats will be found. In the worst case scenario, other dangerous infections and the leftovers of the ransomware will be discovered. It is crucial that you do not skip this step because you do not want malware running without your notice. The most clandestine infections are usually the ones that can open security backdoors, download malware, steal your identity, or hijack your operating system for the purpose of malware distribution.
How to delete Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware
Although your files might be lost – unless you have backup copies – Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware must be removed as soon as possible. As you can see, the manual removal of this threat is not straightforward. You will need to check a bunch of directories and erase numerous files to succeed, and, on top of that, the names of the files are completely random, which might make the entire operation more difficult. Fortunately, this is not the only option you have. In fact, we believe it is much better to use automated malware removal software, and not only because the manual option is complicated. You also want to use this software if other threats are active, and keep in mind that some of them could be silent. If you are looking for the best tool, we encourage you to start a conversation below. You can also use the comments section to ask any questions associated with the ransomware and its elimination.
Removal Instructions
- Launch Explorer (simultaneously tap Win+E keys) and erase the malicious [random name].exe file. It can be in one of these directories. Enter the directory in the Explorer’s bar to access it:
- %WINDIR%\Syswow64\
- %WINDIR%\System32\
- %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %USERPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- Launch RUN (simultaneously tap Win+R keys) and enter regedit.exe.
- In the Registry Editor move to HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop.
- Right-click the value named Wallpaper and click Modify.
- Empty the value data field and click OK. Once you complete the removal of the ransomware, you will be able to set the desired wallpaper in a regular manner.
- Move to HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Wallpapers.
- Right-click the value called BackgroundHistoryPath0 and select Modify.
- Empty the value data field and click OK.
- Move to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Right-click the value representing the ransomware and click Delete.
- Move to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Right-click the value representing the ransomware and click Delete.
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