What is Qlkm Ransomware?
Cybercriminals did not need to put in any effort when creating Qlkm Ransomware because it is a clone of literally hundreds of other infections. A few of them include Jdyi Ransomware, Vvoa Ransomware, Vpsh Ransomware, and Agho Ransomware. STOP Ransomware appears to be the predecessor of this family, and that is why scanners and malware removal tools identify different variants as STOP malware. So, how can we separate the different variants? It is actually very simple. If malware from this family has invaded your system, your personal files must have been encrypted, and if they have, you should find an additional extension appended to their names. If you have to remove Qlkm Ransomware from your Windows system, you should find the “.qlkm” extension attached to the corrupted files’ names. There is nothing else to say about this extension, and note that your files will not be restored if you delete it. Unfortunately, they will not be restored if you remove Qlkm Ransomware either.
How does Qlkm Ransomware work?
Qlkm Ransomware was created to carry out two tasks. One of them is to encrypt files, and the second one is to deliver a message. To encrypt files, the infection has to invade the system first, and Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers warn that spam emails and downloaders and likely to be used for the attacks. When it comes to spam emails, all kinds of messages and scams could be used to push you into opening an attached file or link, and this is how the execution of the Qlkm Ransomware launcher could be initiated. As for downloaders, if you find them on unreliable websites, do not be surprised if they silently attach malware installers along with the installers of desirable and attractive programs. There is one last hurdle that the infection has to overcome before execution, and that is Windows protection. If your system is guarded appropriately, malware should be removed before it causes any problems. However, if security systems are not in place, the ransomware can slither in without your notice. Unfortunately, the encryption process is silent too, and so you are unlikely to stop it timely.
Once that part of the attack is complete, Qlkm Ransomware drops the “_readme.txt” file. This is how the message from the attackers is delivered. Unsurprisingly, this message is identical to all the messages used by other STOP Ransomware variants. It always proposes paying $490 for a decryption tool and always lists the same two email addresses (helpmanager@mail.ch and restoremanager@airmail.cc) that victims need to contact if they want to pay the ransom. Hopefully, you have not followed any commands yet because there are plenty of risks. Just by emailing the attackers you could be opening up to numerous scams and unstoppable extortion attacks. Also, you are unlikely to achieve anything by paying the ransom, and so we advise keeping the money in your pocket. Of course, you cannot just sit on your hands, can you? If you can replace the encrypted files with backups, do so after deleting Qlkm Ransomware. If you do not have backups, check out the ‘STOP Decryptor’ that is offered by malware researchers for free. This tool does not guarantee anything, but if you have no other option, you should give it a try.
How to remove Qlkm Ransomware
In conclusion, there is nothing new to say about Qlkm Ransomware because it is identical to tons of other infections. It is not known whether the attackers behind this malware are gaining a lot of money, but if numerous clones exist, it is possible that the already existing threats are not so lucrative. Hopefully, that is the case. Also, we hope that Windows users are becoming more and more careful about ransomware. Note that it is not enough to just ignore spam emails and malicious downloaders. Cybercriminals use all kinds of methods of attack, and that is why you need to ensure full Windows protection. A legitimate anti-malware tool can ensure that, and it also can automatically delete Qlkm Ransomware. If you wish to get rid of it manually, you will need to locate the launcher yourself. Finally, do not underestimate the power of backups. If you have copies of important personal files, you always have replacements, and that is the greatest instrument in the fight against ransomware.
Removal Instructions
- Locate the {unique name}.exe file that executed the infection (location unknown).
- If you can identify the malicious file, Delete it.
- Delete the ransom note file, _readme.txt (could exist in the %HOMEDRIVE% directory).
- Empty Recycle Bin and then use a malware scanner to inspect your system for leftovers.
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