What is Privacy Protection?
It would seem as though developers or rogue antispyware applications have been hard at work with the release of their latest rogue, Privacy Protection. This rogue application does a good job of convincing inexperienced users that it is genuine application, thanks to its skillfully designed GUIs and its similarities to genuine security tools.
However, it is clear to see that Privacy Protection certainly has no ability to detect, quarantine or remove any type of threat from the system. Users who end up paying for Privacy Protection products simply receive an empty shell for their money, unable to live up to any of its over embellished promises. Distribution methods used by Privacy Protection include bogus online malware scanners and rubbish browser hijackers.
Symptoms reported by users infected with Privacy Protection include blocked Internet connections, as well as poor system performance and randomly generated Desktop items. Other symptoms include the inability to execute applications on the infected PC as well as increased erratic system behavior.
Take back control of what is rightfully yours and annihilate Privacy Protection with the help of a genuine security tool which will not only erase Privacy Protection but also protect your system against similar attacks in future.
Warning, this parasite will block your Internet connection. Click here for instructions how to renew your Internet access.
tested removal of Privacy Protection* 100% FREE spyware scan and