What is PremierOpinion?
PremierOpinion is a computer application which monitors computer users’ online behavior in order to get a picture of Internet trends and patterns. PremierOpinion states that they do not sell personal information; nor do they provide computer users with advertisements. PremierOpinion does display surveys, which are completely voluntarily.
In more general terms, PremierOpinion is an online market research community whose goal is to determine how computer users interact with the Internet. The PremierOpinion application can be used to acquire users’ option about numerous topics, including favorite TV channels, TV programs, travel, and publishing. In return for the information provided, the participants of the surveys are provided with a chance to enter sweepstakes or receive other awards. In order not to get deceived, you should be very careful with the surveys and your personal information. In case you have installed the application by mistake, you can easily remove it from the PC.
How does PremierOpinion work?
PremierOpinion is distributed by free software installers. One of the sources is programs available at tucows.com. Bear in mind that PremierOpinion is also known as RevelantKnowledge, and instead of PremierOpinion you may be asked to install RelevantKnowledge. The odds are the content of the installer, depends on your location.
Periodically, you may e-mails asking to provide your contact and demographic information. In case your e-mail address changes, you are requested to inform the company about the changes.
The application creates a firewall exception so as not to be blocked and connects to the Internet to send information about users to its servers. Even though PremierOpinion declares that no advertisements are delivered to computer users, the application is categorized as adware and can be detected by some computer security tools.
During the installation program, creates several files, including pmph.dll, pmropn.exe, pmropn64.exe, pmropn32.exe.
How to remove PremierOpinion?
Our team at Anti-Spyware-101.com recommends implementing a spyware removal tool in order to have the unwanted application removed. It is advisable to use SpyHunter because it can easily eliminate the application and shield the system from various threats. PremierOpinion is not a dangerous application, but your unprotected system can easily get afflicted by malware programs, including Trojan horses, ransomware infections, rogue anti-virus programs, and many other threats.
In case you want to try removing PremierOpinion manually, you have to remove the folder created during installation. Open (My) Computer, and follow the path C:\Program Files (x86)\PremierOpinion. After deleting the application, implement a scanner to make sure that the system contains no harmful files.
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