What is Pizzacrypts Ransomware?
Pizzacrypts Ransomware, according to Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers, is one of the latest examples of ransomware. Our research has revealed that this dangerous infection is mainly spread via corrupted spam emails, but we do not refuse the possibility that different methods of distribution are employed by this threat. The creators of this malicious ransomware rely on silent entrance to ensure that that it initiates file encryption without user’s notice. Once the encryption is complete, not much can be done because the decryption key is kept in secret. If you do not have the key, you cannot restore your personal files, and this is what is meant to force you into paying the ransom. Now, if you pay this ransom, there is a possibility that your files would remain encrypted. After all, the cyber criminals behind this infection want your money, and they do not care about you. As soon as they get the money, they could move on to other scams without decrypting your files first. So, what are your options and how should you remove Pizzacrypts Ransomware? Continue reading to learn all about this.
How does Pizzacrypts Ransomware work?
If the dangerous Pizzacrypts Ransomware has entered your operating system via a corrupted spam email attachment, it should not be difficult for you to understand what has happened; unless, the threat took some time to initiate malicious processes. It is most likely that the encryption will be initiated as soon as you open a misleading attachment that might seem to hold important, interesting content. When launched, Pizzacrypts Ransomware encrypts all personal files, including documents and photos found in such directories as %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, %USERPROFILE%\pictures, %PROGRAMFILES%, and %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%. This threat does not encrypt system files, which is good news because that means that you will not be disrupted from using your operating system or web browsers. SATANA Ransomware, for example, is ransomware that can corrupt your entire operating system if you do not pay the ransom. Although the infection we are discussing is extremely malicious and dangerous, there are threats that are much more complicated than it is. Of course, the bottom line is that this ransomware can encrypt your personal files and demand a ransom payment from you. If your files are not backed up, you might see the paying of the ransom as the only option to restore your files.
Once the files are encrypted, Pizzacrypts Ransomware creates a text file (“Pizzacrypts Info.txt”) that shows you what cyber criminals want from you. According to this text file, you need to contact cyber criminals by emailing them at maestro@pizzacrypts.info and pizzacrypts@protonmail.com or by messaging them via the Bitmessage program with the provided address. Bitmessage is an encrypted email sending program, and it allows anonymous communication. After you email the creator of the ransomware, you should quickly get a reply with further instructions that include paying a ransom. As we have mentioned previously, paying the ransom is very risky because there are no guarantees or assurance. You might give up all your savings just to find that your files still have the ".id-[ID number]_maestro@pizzacrypts.info" extension attached to them.
How to remove Pizzacrypts Ransomware
Although deleting Pizzacrypts Ransomware will not automatically decrypt your personal files, it is very important that you get rid of this infection. This threat uses its components to silently connect to the Internet without your permission, and it can use this connection to transfer data. In the worst case scenario, malicious files will be downloaded to perform other malicious processes, which is why it is crucial that you get rid of this malware as soon as possible. We hope that you are able to decrypt your files without paying the ransom, or you have them backed up, in which case, you do not need to worry about them at all. When it comes to the removal process, you need to delete the launcher file that has been downloaded onto your computer. This could be, for example, the file you found attached to the corrupted email. Although this task should not be difficult for you if you know where the file is, we suggest using an anti-malware tool that will clean your PC from all malicious files and keep it well protected in the future.
Removal Instructions
- Right-click and Delete the malicious launcher file.
- Delete the Pizzacrypts Info.txt file.
- Scan your operating system using a legitimate malware scanner available at http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/spyhunter .
- Employ an authentic malware remover to clean your operating system.
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