What is Pesquisa.ninja?
Pesquisa.ninja is not a regular search engine, and this should become obvious as soon as you encounter it. Unfortunately, this search engine can replace the homepage of your web browsers without your permission, which means that you will not even have the opportunity to decide whether or not you want to use and trust it. Luckily, this browser hijacker is not an invisible threat, and you will realize that it was installed as soon as you launch the infected browser. So far, our researchers here at Anti-Spyware-101.com have found this program to be compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer browsers, but it is possible that other web browsers will be susceptible to this infection as well. Regardless of which of your browsers was infected with this hijacker, you must remove it before your virtual security is jeopardized.
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How does Pesquisa.ninja work?
Even though Pesquisa.ninja might look like a regular search engine, it is distributed in a malicious way. Needless to say, this browser hijacker cannot materialize out of thin air. The problem is that this threat is distributed by installers that carry malicious programs bundled together, which suggests that more than one unreliable program is active on your operating system. Even though the kind of infections enters your PC depends on the installer representing them, we guess that you might encounter adware, potentially unwanted program, and clandestine Trojans. Note that if you do not see unreliable programs, it does not mean that they do not exist. Unfortunately, many computer users decide to trust their own assumptions when it comes to malware instead of trusting software that can inspect their operating systems and detect malware. We believe that it is very important to install a malware scanner (SpyHunter offers a free scanner) to find if Pesquisa.ninja-related programs installed on your PC are malicious.
As mentioned before, users should realize that Pesquisa.ninja is an unreliable program, despite the fact that, at first look, it looks completely normal. The thing is that this search tool does not provide any information about itself. Legitimate and reliable search tools always disclose their activity and functions via EULA, Privacy Policy, or other similar documents, and the hijacker provides none of that. When you enter keywords into the search box Pesquisa.ninja presents, you will be redirected to a third-party search engine, which is an important reason to delete this infection! Even if you are routed to br.search.yahoo.com (the hijacker is targeted at users living in Brazil), you cannot trust the search results provided because they could have been modified by the infection.
How to delete Pesquisa.ninja
We are sure you are not surprised that we recommend removing Pesquisa.ninja. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to eliminate this infection from your browsers. If you change the homepage but do not eliminate the malicious files associated with the hijacker, you will find that the hijacking persists. In order to succeed, you need to uninstall malicious programs and delete leftover files. Are you scared that you will not be able to delete Pesquisa.ninja yourself? Even though the instructions below are straightforward, not all users will be able to clean their operating systems themselves, especially if other threats exist. If you are afraid that you will fail to clean your system and protect it in the future, it is high time you installed a legitimate security tool.
Uninstall undesirable software
N.B. You might have to uninstall ActSys, CashReminder, GOSafer, and WNet
Windows XP:
- Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
- Select Uninstall a program (under Programs).
- Right-click the unreliable application and select Uninstall.
Windows Vista/Windows 7:
- Click the Windows icon on the Taskbar and open Control Panel.
- Go to Uninstall a program and identify the unreliable software.
- Right-click the unwanted program and select Uninstall.
Windows 8/Windows 8.1:
- Click the Search icon on the Charm bar in Metro UI.
- Find and launch Uninstall a program.
- Right-click the unwanted program and select Uninstall.
Remove malicious files
- Tap Win+E to launch Windows Explorer.
- Enter %windir%\system32\drivers into the bar at the top.
- Remove crfilterdrv.sys, gosaferdrv.sys, asfilterdrv.sys, and ssfilterdrv.sys (right-click and select Delete).
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