What is PdfBaron?
PdfBaron is a suspicious Google Chrome extension that provides both a search engine and a feature allowing to convert PDF and Microsoft Word documents. If you are considering getting it for yourself, it would be smart to read our report first and get to know it better before making such a decision. First of all, users should be aware the extension falls under the category of potentially unwanted programs. It signals the tool might not be worthy of your trust and it could have undesirable qualities. We will explain this in more detail later in the text, but if you already downloaded PdfBaron and already regret it, we can help you delete this suspicious application if you just slide slightly below the text and use the provided instructions.
Where does PdfBaron come from?
PdfBaron is available on its official website called pdfbaron.com and on Chrome Web Store page (chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pdf-baron/ocpngcdfokjdpodpklalmajlhlhkfmha). However, we doubt these two web pages are the only channels this potentially unwanted program is distributed through. After all to access the software’s homepage you need to know the exact address or the tools name and the same goes for finding the application on Chrome Web Store page. For instance, the program could also be spread through pop-up ads or bundled setup files. Bundled software is easy to miss if you rush the installation process, so if you do not remember installing this plugin, it is quite possible you downloaded it unknowingly along with some other untrustworthy tool. In this situation, we would recommend staying away from questionable file-sharing web pages and the user should pay close attention to the information available on the configuration wizard.
How does PdfBaron work?
The first changes you might notice after PdfBaron installation could be replaced homepage and new tab page. Instead, user’s Google Chrome should start loading tab.pdfbaron.com every time the user launches it or opens a new tab. This search engine may not seem suspicious, especially when it might display search results via search.yahoo.com. The bad news is the potentially unwanted program might be providing a modified Yahoo search engine, which means the results it shows could be altered by PdfBaron to place additional advertising content among them.
Our researchers at Anti-spyware-101.com fear such advertisements could come from untrustworthy sources, for example, scam web pages, file sharing web pages offering other potentially unwanted programs, adware, browser hijackers, and other suspicious tools, etc. Apparently, the company that developed the extension says it “disclaims all warranties relating to products and/or services provided by any third party” in its End User License Agreement document. With no warranties, we doubt anyone would review the ads since each of it could bring the software’s creators advertising revenue. Unfortunately, for you, depending on where it might come from such content could put your computer or your privacy at risk.
How to erase PdfBaron?
Just like any other extension, PdfBaron can be removed rather quickly through the Google Chrome's Extensions menu. All there is to do is identify it and press the trash bin button. Simple as it may sound, we realize it could look complicated for inexperienced users, so we added instructions explaining the process in a few simple steps at the end of the report. Users who wish to make sure there are no other unwanted applications installed could check the system with a legitimate antimalware tool too. In fact, such software should erase the potentially unwanted program too; thus, if you do not want to delete it manually you can employ a reliable antimalware tool.
Remove PdfBaron
- Launch Google Chrome.
- Press ALT+F to access Settings.
- Choose More tools and select Extensions.
- Look for PdfBaron.
- Tap the recycle bin button available next to the unwanted plugin.
- Click Remove and close the browser.
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