What is PcSecureNet?
PcSecureNet is a fake spyware remover, which is similar to most other rogues in the sense that it also primarily relies on Trojans to get into the system and tries to sell its so-called licensed version. PcSecureNet or Pc Secure Net will smoothly scam you out of your money if you believe this "licensed version" to exist. Once inside the system, PcSecureNet floods the user with pop-up messages and fake system notifications, claiming the system is infected and in need of security software. While that may be true, PcSecureNet has no ability to detect threats, and thus no ability to make such claims. Like most modern rogue, PcSecureNet performs fake system scans, which mark harmless files as threats, and urge the user to purchase its "licensed version" in order to dispose of the infections. PcSecureNet will annoy you with pop-up messages, and make your computer experience seem like a weekend at Auschwitz. Do NOT download or buy it and remove PcSecureNet as soon as possible.
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