What is PC Repair?
Despite all the efforts by the online security industry to secure the exact opposite, many PC owners continue to fall for the manipulative lies sold by rogue security tools such as PC Repair. This rogue antispyware in particular does a good job at emulating the real workings of a genuine security tool. It will do everything in its power to gain the trust of its victim, but when all is said and done PC Repair is unable to live up to any of its over embellished promises.
PC Repair will use any tactic at its disposal to facilitate its surreptitious entry of the system. Once the rogue has securely rooted itself in the system it will edit registry entries to so as to allow itself to launch each time the user logs on to Windows. PC Repair will then initiate a fake system scan which will inevitably warn the user of fake threats being present on the system.
This is done in an effort to panic the user into paying for the worthless software. Other symptoms include blocked Internet connections and extremely poor system performance. In order to limit the damage this rogue will certainly cause to your PC, destroy PC Repair without any more delay.
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