What is Parasite HTTP RAT?
New malicious threats emerge every day, and you must protect yourself and the operating system against all of them. Parasite HTTP RAT is a Trojan that is exceptionally dangerous because it can evade detection by security software as well. So, even if you have employed anti-malware software to keep the system malware-free, you could still become a victim of this threat. That depends on the security software you use, as well as your own behavior. Behavior is important because the Trojan uses deception to trick Windows users into executing it themselves. The creator of the infection does not even need to worry too much about how the threat is spread. If users are tricked into letting this devious infection in, their virtual security is put at risk. Anti-Spyware-101.com research team warns that the remote-access Trojan (RAT) can steal passwords, and that can cause many problems. So, do you need to delete Parasite HTTP RAT, and how should you do it? You can find information about the removal of the malicious Trojan in this report.
How does Parasite HTTP RAT work?
Parasite HTTP RAT is not the first or last remote access Trojan to emerge. A few others to mention are Kedi RAT, Qarallax RAT, CrossRAT, and Crimson RAT. It is difficult to discuss these infections because they are unpredictable and ever-changing. Since they are operated remotely, they can be used for various kinds of attacks, and it is always possible that you could suffer different consequences than another victim of the exact same infection. That being said, there are patterns to all of these infections, and there are specific things about them that we need to discuss. For example, the distribution of Parasite HTTP RAT is pretty unique. Of course, different methods could be employed in the future, but, at the time of research, this Trojan was spreading via spam emails using .doc attachments with macros. These emails were specifically targeted at healthcare and IT systems, and they were camouflaged as job applications. So, for example, the subject lines were something like “would like to apply” or “application,” and the attached .doc files were named something like “mycv.doc,” or “resume.doc.” If the recipient of such an email clicked the attachment and enabled macros as instructed, the malicious Trojan could slither in completely silently. If security software did not detect it, it would not be deleted.
If the malicious Parasite HTTP RAT is not removed, it can be instructed to perform in a highly malicious way. It appears that the main task for the infection is to steal information. For example, if it managed to record passwords and login credentials, cyber criminals behind the infection could easily sign in to personal or business accounts illegally and act as if they were the owners of these accounts. This means that they could post on your behalf, send emails, change information, and do other things.
How to delete Parasite HTTP RAT
Removing Parasite HTTP RAT manually is not an easy task. First, you need to figure out of this malicious threat has invaded your operating system, and if you use outdated security software, it is unlikely to spot it, and you might continue running your system without suspecting a threat. Of course, you might realize that something is not right if you discover strange posts or messages sent from your accounts without permission. Even if you know that the Trojan exists, erasing it is not easy because its components have random names and random locations. So, what if you cannot delete Parasite HTTP RAT manually? We suggest installing trustworthy anti-malware software to eliminate this infection automatically. If this software continues protecting your system, and you become more cautious, malicious Trojans should be kept away.
Removal Instructions
N.B. The folders and files created by the Trojan usually have random names, which can make it much more difficult to successfully delete the threat manually. If you are not sure that you can identify malicious files – because not all files with random-seeming names are malicious – we recommend relying on anti-malware software.
- Launch Explorer by tapping Win+E.
- Enter these directories one by one into the bar at the top to check for malicious files and folders:
- %TEMP% (look for folders)
- %USERPROFILE%\Desktop (look for .doc and .exe files)
- %USERPROFILE%\Downloads (look for .doc and .exe files)
- %TEMP% (look for .doc and .exe files)
- %APPDATA% (look for .exe file)
- %LOCALAPPDATA% (look for folders)
- %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ (look for .lnk file)
- Empty Recycle Bin and then immediately use a scanner to scan your operating system.
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