What is Ordinypt Wiper?
Ordinypt Wiper is princely that. A wiper. If it finds a way into your operating system, it can destroy all important files. Unfortunately, the message that is created by the attackers suggests that files were encrypted and that they can still be recovered if certain steps are taken. Of course, that is a complete and total lie, and if you do as told, you could lose more than just your files. So, do you need to delete Ordinypt Wiper from the Windows operating system? If you do, you should waste no time to take care of this situation. If you have yet to encounter this dangerous threat, it is crucial that you secure your system to patch any vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could try to exploit. It is also important that you stay away from phishing emails that the attackers usually use to spread the dangerous Trojan. We discuss how to identify such emails as well as how to remove the dangerous Trojan in this report. If you are interested in learning more, please continue reading, and do not forget to use the comments section if you have questions.
How does Ordinypt Wiper work?
If you have been exposed to Ordinypt Wiper, there is a good chance that you are an employee at a German company. We base this assumption on the fact that a specific email that spreads this malware has been discovered. This email contains a message in German that is made to look like a legitimate job application. To make the message appear more legitimate, a photo of the alleged applicant is included. Of course, the goal behind the message is to trick the recipient into opening the attached files. The first one, called “Eva Richter Bewerbungsfoto.jpg,” represents a fake image of the applicant. The second one, called “Eva Richter Bewerbung und Lebenslauf.zip,” is meant to open the archive with the application and CV documents. Unfortunately, this .ZIP file is fictitious, and, in fact, is hiding an .exe file that executes Ordinypt Wiper. If your company does not have any job openings, opening such messages is always risky. Furthermore, if you are not responsible for dealing with recruitment within the company, opening such messages should not be on your agenda at all. In any case, whenever you receive a message that raises suspicion, it would be a good idea to forward it to your company’s security team before removing it from inbox.
If Ordinypt Wiper is executed successfully, the infection starts wiping data immediately. It adds a random extension to the files it destroys, and that is meant to convince you that your files were encrypted. Normally, real file-encryptors add extensions to help victims spot the corrupted files. In this situation, however, the threat uses the extension as a decoy. A ransom note file called “[extension]_how_to_decrypt.txt” is created next to the “encrypted” files to make sure that you find and open it. Although this file is safe to open, we recommend removing it right away. The message inside is bogus, and you must not pay any attention to it. If you are tricked into believing that your files were encrypted, the ransom note might convince you to download the Tor Browser and visit a webpage set up by the attackers. According to the message displayed on this page, all files can be restored with the help of “decryption software” that costs $1,500. Even if the company can cover this cost, paying the ransom is a futile effort because data was wiped, not encrypted.
How to remove Ordinypt Wiper
Ordinypt Wiper is an extremely malicious infection because it causes total destruction of data. The only good news is that regular Windows users are unlikely to face this dangerous infection. On the other hand, the companies that might be on the target could be responsible for protecting the information of regular users, and loss of this information due to the wiping of the data could result in big problems for all. To make matters worse, the infection deletes shadow volume copies, which is meant to prevent the victim from recovering data using internal backups. Hopefully, backups exist online or on external drives, and the affected systems can be up and running normally again as soon as you have Ordinypt Wiper deleted. When it comes to the removal of this infection, the launcher file (.exe) must be eliminated, but we do not recommend doing this manually. Instead, we suggest implementing anti-malware software because besides automatically erasing all malware components, this software can also ensure full-time protection.
Removal Instructions
- Delete the malicious .exe file that launched the threat (e.g., Eva Richter Bewerbung und Lebenslauf.zip).
- Delete the ransom note file named [extension]_how_to_decrypt.txt.
- Empty Recycle Bin to eliminate these components completely.
- Install a trusted malware scanner and perform a thorough system scan to check if the system is clean.
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