What is Nm4 Ransomware?
Perhaps Nm4 Ransomware is not as dangerous as WannaCry Ransomware, but it is still one of the many malicious applications out there that want to rip you off. Also, it just proves how dire the situation is right now, and how “popular” ransomware programs are at the moment.
Unfortunately, there is no public tool at the moment that would help you restore the files affected by this infection, so the best way to solve this problem would be retrieving your files from a file backup. As for the ransomware removal, it is not that hard to delete Nm4 Ransomware from your PC.
Where does Nm4 Ransomware come from?
Ransomware programs can be distributed in a number of different methods. The most important thing is to avoid opening email attachments from unfamiliar senders. Also, you should keep your operating system updated because ransomware programs often exploited vulnerabilities found in older OS versions. What if you still use an operating system that is no longer supported by Microsoft? You should definitely consider switching to a newer one.
Some users may say that they might feel compelled to open a particular attachment because they are waiting for an important document. If that is so, please remember that you always have the option to scan your attachment with a licensed security application. Of course, that also means that you should keep a security program at the ready.
What does Nm4 Ransomware do?
Like most of the programs that fall under the same category, Nm4 Ransomware enters your computer with the intention to encrypt your files. Why does it do it? To hold your data hostage and demand that you pay the ransom fee. This is how people behind such infections make their money. Please note that paying the ransom does not necessarily mean that the criminals will give your files back. That is something that security experts always emphasize, but users keep on paying the ransom, especially if they really need the data that got encrypted.
With Nm4 Ransomware, the situation is slightly different because the infection skips several file types and a number of directories. For instance, we know that the program does not encrypt the BAT, DLL, EXE, INI, LNK, MSI, and SCF file types. This means that you should still be able to load most of your programs. Also, the program skips %AppData&, WinRar, Windows, and many other directories. Most of which are necessary for the system to work, or for you to access the Internet.
From that, we can see that the infection mostly aims to encrypt your personal files, especially the ones you need on a daily basis. And you will surely notice that your files were affected by this ransomware because all the encrypted files will have the NM4 extension added to them. Needless to say, you will not be able to open the said files, and perhaps you will feel that paying is the only option, especially as you will see this notification on your screen:
Encrypted files!
All your files are encrypted. Using AES256-bit encryption and RSA-2048-bit encryption. Making it impossible to recover files without the correct private key. If you are interested in getting is the key and recover your files You should process with the following steps.
Despite the limited English, it should not be too hard to understand what the people behind Nm4 Ransomware want from you. However, just as we have mentioned, you should not pay the ransom because this way you would only encourage these criminals to proceed with whatever they are doing. Instead, you should focus on removing Nm4 Ransomware from your computer.
How do I remove Nm4 Ransomware?
Please do not transfer healthy files back into your system while the ransomware is still installed on it. You should check out the most recently downloaded files because that is probably where the installation file for the ransomware will be. When you delete that file, be sure to scan your computer with a reliable antispyware tool to look for other potential threats. Only when you are 100% convinced that there are no more unfamiliar and potentially hazardous files on-board can you transfer the healthy copies of your files back into your computer.
Manual Nm4 Ransomware Removal
- Open the Downloads folder.
- Delete the most recently downloaded files.
- Run a full system scan with the SpyHunter free scanner.
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