Nlah Ransomware

What is Nlah Ransomware?

If Nlah Ransomware invades your system successfully, it messes with the data of your personal files, and also attaches the “.nlah” extension to mark them. The infection uses the method of encryption to ensure that you cannot read your own files, and that can push you into a very unfortunate situation. Our research team has thoroughly inspected this malicious file-encrypting malware, and we can guarantee that it is a clone of Usam Ransomware, Kuus Ransomware, Maas Ransomware, Sqpc Ransomware, and many other infections from the STOP Ransomware family. Quite likely, the same attacker is responsible for all, or at least most, of them, and there is proof for this conclusion. All in all, whether we are dealing with one attacker or hundreds of them, your system is just as vulnerable, and your files are just as locked. Sadly, it is not possible to recover the files by removing Nlah Ransomware. Nonetheless, this infection must be deleted ASAP, and we can show you how to do it.

How does Nlah Ransomware work?

Just like its clones, Nlah Ransomware is likely to hide within spam email attachments or even bundled downloaders. It could be spread by exploiting RDP vulnerabilities, or it could be dropped by other threats active on your system without your knowledge. The point is to trick you into letting this malware in or make you stay out of the loop if it slithers in without you knowing about it. Of course, there is one important hurdle that Nlah Ransomware has to overcome still, and that is security software. If it does not exist, or if it is outdated and weak, the malware can slither in without much trouble. However, if your system is protected appropriately, the infection should be caught and deleted quickly. If that does not happen, it encrypts files and drops a file named “_readme.txt.” This is what we call a “ransom note,” and, according to it, your “photos, databases, documents and other important files” will stay encrypted until you pay the ransom. That is why this malware is classified as ransomware.

The ransom note introduced by Nlah Ransomware suggests that there is software that can, allegedly, guarantee full decryption of all corrupted files. This might give you hope that you can actually get the files back, but this hope is unlikely to be realized. The attackers request that you send them an email to and (the same ones that clones use as well), so that instructions on how to pay the ransom of $490 could be provided. This does not sound like an incredibly large sum, and some victims might not need to turn out their pockets to gather it. Nonetheless, even if gathering the money is not a problem for you, paying the ransom is not recommended. Contacting the attackers is not recommended! If you have taken these risky steps already, beware of any malicious emails that you could receive in the future, and don’t waste your time looking for justice if you do not receive a decryptor. No one can force cybercriminals to keep their promises at this point.

How to remove Nlah Ransomware

There is a light at the end of the tunnel created by Nlah Ransomware. There is a tool named ‘STOP Decryptor” that was created to aid the victims of malware from the STOP Ransomware family. Not all variants are decryptable, and not all files are decryptable either. However, if you cannot replace the lost files, this might be your only option. As for replacing files, that is possible if you have copies stored outside the infected computer. We recommend that you always have backups of all important files not just because that is a great defense mechanism against ransomware but also because there are other infections that can mess with files, and you could lose them simply because of hardware malfunction. Before you replace files, you must delete Nlah Ransomware. If you cannot follow the instructions below, we advise installing anti-malware software. In fact, we advise installing it under any circumstances because you need the protection that this software can provide against malware attacks in the future.

Removal Instructions

  1. Delete recently downloaded suspicious files.
  2. Open File Explorer (tap Windows+E keys) and enter %HOMEDRIVE% into the bar at the top.
  3. Right-click the file named _readme.txt and choose Delete.
  4. Right-click the folder named SystemID and choose Delete.
  5. Enter %LOCALAPPDATA% into the bar at the top.
  6. Right-click and Delete the folder that holds ransomware files. The name is long and random.
  7. Exit File Explorer and then Empty Recycle Bin.
  8. Install a legitimate malware scanner that will examine your system for potential leftovers. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Nlah Ransomware*


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