What is Newpoptab.com?
We would like to inform you about a newly discovered search engine called Newpoptab.com. This search engine was created by an unknown company, and research has shown that it is nothing more than a browser hijacker, so you should remove it from your browser as soon as you can as it is set to hijack your browser’s homepage address. Moreover, it can collect certain information about you and use it to present personalized promotional links and advertisements in its search results. From the outset, it is clear that this search engine is highly unreliable, but if you want to find out more about it, we recommend that you read this short description.
What does Newpoptab.com do?
Our malware analysts say that Newpoptab.com is distributed via bundles software installers that inject this search engine into your web browser without your knowledge or approval. They also say that it should come with a browser add-on that does all the hijacking. Currently, we only have information on this hijacker being compatible with Google Chrome. Nevertheless, there is no reason it cannot have a browser add-ons for Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer as well.
The accompanying browser add-ons should be set to replace the browser’s homepage only. However, for Chrome, they might replace the new tab page as well. The reason its developers are so keen on deceptively replacing your browser’s homepage address is that they want to force you to use it as your main search engine. However, they do not do that for the sake of replacing it. They have an agenda which is to subject you to commercial advertisements and promotional links of unknown origin. In fact, the ads and links can be from a malicious source and redirect you to fake online shopping sites that aim to extort your hard-earned cash or scam websites that seek to extract your online banking credentials, logins, passwords, and other information. In short, Newpoptab.com can promote anything because its developers could not care less about the quality of the content as long as they get paid.
It is also worth mentioning that Newpoptab.com was configured to collect information about you to customize and personalize the kinds of ads and promotional links you see. Our security experts have concluded that it this hijacker can gather information about you that includes but is not limited to your IP address, approximate geographical location, browser type, operating system type, browsing history, and search queries. This information in non-personal in nature and is obtained automatically with the help of web beacons and browser cookies.
Where does Newpoptab.com come from?
As mentioned, Newpoptab.com is distributed via malicious bundled software installers and that it comes with a dedicated browser add-on. It is important to note, however, that the installers that contain this hijacker are featured of questionable freeware distributing sites that tend to bundle free and open-source software with potentially unwanted programs, adware, and browser hijackers. Another thing we want to note is the fact that the installers are configured to install this hijacker automatically and without your knowledge or consent. Furthermore, you might not be able to deselect its installation because some installers might not allow you to. Therefore, if it replaced your browser’s homepage without your knowledge or consent, you might want to get rid of it.
How do I remove Newpoptab.com?
Getting rid of Newpoptab.com is a simple process. All you have to do is go to your web browser’s settings, erase this hijacker’s URL from the address line and enter a new one. You can also have an anti-malware program do it for you. However, we believe that removing this hijacker manually is pretty simple. Therefore, we have included a guide in this article that will help you change your browser’s homepage address.
Change your browser’s homepage address
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Alt+T and click Options.
- Change the homepage URL.
- Exit the Options menu.
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F again.
- Select Settings.
- Locate the On Startup list and click Set pages.
- Change the homepage URL and click OK.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Press Alt+T keys.
- Select Internet Options.
- Enter a new URL in the home page address line.
- Click OK.
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