What is NEFILIM Ransomware?
NEFILIM Ransomware is a malicious computer infection that will encrypt your files, no questions asked. If this program enters your system, one day, you will find yourself with tons of files that your OS can no longer read. Then what? The infection would want you to pay the ransom fee for the files, but you should never do that. By paying the ransom, you would only encourage these criminals to continue making more infections. You need to remove NEFILIM Ransomware and everything related to this program from your system, and then look for ways to get your files back.
Where does NEFILIM Ransomware come from?
According to our research, this program has some code similarities with Nemty Ransomware. Although it doesn’t automatically mean that both programs were developed by the same people, it is very likely that the developers are related. At the same time, it also means that NEFILIM Ransomware is bound to behave pretty much like Nemty Ransomware.
Also, it is interesting to point out that NEFILIM Ransomware probably spreads through unsecured RDP connections. Although that IS a common ransomware distribution method, it is not as common as the spam email attachment method. Therefore, we can assume that NEFILIM Ransomware targets specific users (most probably businesses).
If that is really the case and you use RDP connection at work, you have to be really careful about accepting files from unknown senders. Even if you are used to opening all the received files at once, stop right there for a moment. Before you open a file from an unknown sender, how about scanning it with a security tool? This way, you would be able to screen all the files you receive before opening them. If your scanner says that some of the files are dangerous, you can delete them at once.
What does NEFILIM Ransomware do?
Of course, not all users are vigilant enough to avoid such infections. When NEFILIM Ransomware finally reaches its victim, the infection searches the entire system for the files it can encrypt. It doesn’t take long before the program maps all the directories it can affect and then launches the encryption process. You won’t even notice when that happens because the program runs in the system’s background.
However, once the encryption is complete, you will see that all of your files have different (blank) file icons. It means that the system can no longer read your files (you cannot open them). This happens because the encryption scrambles the byte information within the file, and it doesn’t make sense for the system anymore.
Aside from that, NEFILIM Ransomware also drops a ransom note in every single folder that contains encrypted files. You will definitely find the NEFILIM-DECRYPT.txt file if you were affected by this infection. What’s this ransom note all about? Well, supposedly, it should instruct you how to retrieve your files. Here’s some part of the ransom note:
All of your files have been encrypted with military grade algorithms.
We ensure that the only way to retrieve your data is with our software.
We will make sure you retrieve your data swiftly and securely when our demands are met.
Restoration of your data requires a private key with only we possess.
The ransom note goes on to say that you must contact these criminals via the given email address. It doesn’t say how much they expect you to pay for the decryption, so we can assume that the criminals might demand a different sum from every single user who contacts them.
But of course, it goes without saying that you should never do what these people tell you. If they receive the payment from you, they will continue making more ransomware programs. And there is a good chance that they won’t issue the decryption tool, too.
How do I remove NEFILIM Ransomware?
The research shows that NEFILIM Ransomware deletes itself after the encryption, so there might not be any files left for you to remove. However, you should still scan your computer with the SpyHunter free scanner. There might still be some dangerous files around!
Also, be sure to explore all the possible file recovery options. Most of the time, it is possible to restore at least some of the encrypted files.
Manual NEFILIM Ransomware Removal
- Remove recent files from Desktop.
- Delete recent files from the Downloads folder.
- Press Win+R and enter %TEMP%. Press OK.
- Delete recent files from the directory.
- Run a full system scan.
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