What is Napoleon Ransomware?
Are you aware that spam emails can be used to spread malware? Napoleon Ransomware is one of the many infections that could slither into your operating system using this security backdoor. The bad thing is that this malware can enter your operating system in a clandestine manner, and you are unlikely to notice it at all. If you do not notice it, it can start acting in a malicious way without your intervention either. The main task for this dangerous threat is to encrypt your files, and it does that successfully using a complex algorithm. Although the infection does not encrypt system files, it can encrypt photos, media files, documents, and other kinds of personal data. The algorithm used by the ransomware cannot be cracked manually, and if your files are encrypted, they are likely to stay that way for good. That means that if your files are corrupted, they are corrupted, and there is nothing you can do to reverse that. That being said, you must delete Napoleon Ransomware, and that, luckily, is very easy to achieve.
Do you know what Napoleon Ransomware is?
Have you ever encountered a different ransomware infection? There are plenty of them, including Globe2 Ransomware, Ransommine Ransomware, Eternity Ransomware, and Crypt888 Ransomware. All of these threats are created by malicious parties who have the same goals. All of them want money. Napoleon Ransomware was created for this very goal as well. As soon as it enters your operating system and encrypts your files, it also creates a ransom note file named “How_Decrypt_Files.hta.” This file is meant to convince you to email supp01@airmail.cc or supportdecrypt2@cock.li. Both of them belong to the cyber criminals who have developed the ransomware. If you email cyber crooks, they will provide you with additional instructions that are meant to push you into paying for a tool called NAPOLEON DECRYPTER. Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers cannot confirm that this tool exists, but even if it was real, you should not rely on cyber criminals to provide you with it. The reality is that as soon as you transfer money for the tool, the creators of Napoleon Ransomware can move on to the next victim.
The files with the “.[supp01@airmail.cc].napoleon” extension attached to them are the ones that the devious Napoleon Ransomware has encrypted. You cannot decrypt these files by erasing the extension or removing the ransomware itself, and it is unlikely that third-party software can help you much either. If your files are encrypted, you are likely to recover them not by paying for the decryptor tool but by using backups. You must be aware of what a backup is. You can employ external drives or, more conveniently, set up cloud storage online to back up the most important, valuable files. If they are backed up, copies are created, which means that if the original file is removed, lost, or encrypted, you still have access to the copy. Without a doubt, this is the best preventative measure against any file-encrypting infection. Of course, you should also employ reliable security software as the first line of defense so that malware would not invade your operating system in the first place.
Delete Napoleon Ransomware
If you check the instructions below, you will notice that the first step calls to check if the launcher still exists. Most likely, the launcher does not exist because Napoleon Ransomware removes itself as soon as the malicious deed – i.e., the encryption of files – is complete. Although that is how the threat should work, you can never be too careful when it comes to malicious infections, and so installing a malware scanner and performing a complete system scan is crucial. If you do not want to follow the guide below, or you want to take care of your virtual security at the same time as the ransomware itself, we advise installing anti-malware software. If you install it and update it when necessary, you will not need to worry about other threats, and if you back up your files, you will also not need to worry about their security. Get in the habit of backing up important files because that is the best way to keep them safe.
Removal Instructions
- Check for the launcher of the ransomware. If it still exists, Delete it.
- Delete all copies of the How_Decrypt_Files.hta file.
- Empty Recycle Bin.
- Perform a full system scan using a legitimate malware scanner.
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