What is Myhomepage123.com?
While Myhomepage123.com looks like a safe and reliable search engine, we assure you that it is not because it is distributed in a malicious manner and its search results are prone to feature shady promotional links and ads that can jeopardize your computer’s security. Removing this malicious search engine is highly recommended because it can not only compromise your computer’ security but your personal privacy as well. We want to stress that it was developed by a known browser hijacker developer, so there is no doubt that Myhomepage123.com is a threat to your computer.
What does Myhomepage123.com do?
Our malware analysts have encountered many hijackers like this one before. It is distributed via bundled installers and is set to replace your browser’s homepage address without your knowledge or approval. It is compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. And, it is set to inject these browsers secretly. Its developers want you to use this hijacker as a regular search engine and make them money.
Our malware researchers have tested this hijacker and they found that it redirects the entered search queries to Google.com. However, they point out that this hijacker showed modified search results that included promoted links. The links were not malicious and did not pose a threat to the computer’s security. Nevertheless, this might not always be the case because the servers that supply this hijacker with ads are unknown. Therefore, it is plausible that, in some cases, the search results might feature links to websites that feature malicious software. So, since this hijacker can subject you to potentially dangerous links, you should not use it for searching the web.
We also want to elaborate on this hijacker’s information collection policy. As it turns out, Myhomepage123.com was set to gather information about you that includes your name, gender, age and country. According to the policy, this hijacker can collect this information “through online forms for ordering products and services, and other instances where users are invited to volunteer such information.” this information is personally identifiable, but it must be noted that it should also collect some anonymous information even though it does not state that in the privacy policy. Our malware analysts say that it should also gather information such as your browsing history, entered search queries, IP address, Internet Service Provider domain name, and so on. All of this information is used to personalize the ad campaign for each unique user that will generate the developers more income.
Where does Myhomepage123.com come from?
Myhomepage123.com belongs to the Elex browser hijacker family, which means that it is near identical to Luckypage123.com, Maniihome.com, Amisites.com, and Funcionapage.com. Even though there are many hijackers by Elex, nothing is known about this developer because it does not provide any information about itself, probably because the developers want to avoid getting in trouble with the authorities.
Like the browser hijackers mentioned above, Myhomepage123.com is currently disseminated using bundled software installers that are featured on various shady software distributing websites. Our researchers say that the bundled installers have been configured to inject this hijacker into your browser secretly and their installation wizard does not allow you to deselect its installation. Therefore, it is plain to see that this hijacker is purposefully distributed in a malicious manner.
How do I remove Myhomepage123.com?
If you want to remove Myhomepage123.com from your browser and replace it with your previous homepage address, we invite you to consult the instructions provided below this article. You can also you an anti-malware program such as SpyHunter that can also fix this issue. You should also scan your PC with an anti-malware application to make sure that it is malware-free and did not get any malicious content as a result of you using this hijacker as a search engine.
Remove this hijacker manually
Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Open the browser.
- Simultaneously press Alt+T keys.
- Select Internet Options.
- Enter a new homepage address in the address line.
- Click OK.
Google Chrome
- Open the browser.
- Simultaneously press Alt+F keys.
- In the dropdown menu, select Settings.
- Click Set pages and enter a new homepage address.
- Click OK.
Mozilla Firefox
- Open the browser.
- Simultaneously press Alt+T keys.
- Click Options and select General.
- In the Home page line, type a new homepage address.
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