What is My99tab.com?
If you ever discover a program that goes by the name of My99tab.com, make sure to avoid it at all times. This is important because our malware experts have discovered that this program is nothing more than yet another browser hijacker. Such classification has been made because it is fully capable of making devious changes to your web browser's default settings without requiring any authorization. Unfortunately, modifications triggered by this questionable program will only have negative effects on the way you experience the web. What is even worse is the fact that this hijacker could prove to be the main reason other suspicious and even potentially malicious programs might be able to enter your personal computer. To understand how that could happen, make sure to read the rest of our report. In addition to such information, we also provide a detailed removal guide that you must use to delete My99tab.com if you already have it active on your PC.
What does My99tab.com do?
My99tab.com functions in a relatively conventional manner. In fact, its inner workings are quite similar to other hijackers such as Search.yourmapscenter.com, Search.searchlttrn.com, and Search.yourclassifiedscenter.com. Thus, just like its counterparts, this dubious program edits files and registry entries linked to your web browser's default settings as soon as it gains full access to your operating system. Such modifications will manifest as a change of your homepage. This alteration might seem like an insignificant one at first. Unfortunately, that is not the case in reality. That is so because for as long as this browser hijacker will be active on your personal computer you will be forced to use a questionable third-party website as your default homepage, whether you like that or not. It goes without saying that due to this change, surfing the web the way you are used will be a virtually impossible task. What makes matters worse is the fact that the site set as your default homepage does not provide any valuable features whatsoever. The questionable search box acts in a rather questionable manner. That is so because it can provide more than a few third-party sponsored results, which might not be related to your original query. If you are keen on regaining your web browser's default functionality, you need to execute a complete removal of My99tab.com as soon as it is found active on your PC. To do that in a quick and easy manner, make sure to use a detailed removal guide that we present below.
As mentioned earlier there are a few instances when My99tab.com could prove to be the main reason other suspicious programs might be able to enter your PC without a lot of trouble. As it turns out in quite a few cases, this hijacker is spread via bundled installers, and that is a dangerous situation because other questionable and potentially harmful applications might come along with it. Thus, if you happen to already have this browser hijacker active on your PC, make sure to check your operating system for other suspicious software. Another devious thing about it is the fact that the search engine presented on a newly appointed homepage could prove to be quite dangerous. That is so because it might present you not only with sponsored results but with ones hosting redirect links that could lead you to potentially malicious websites. For example, after clicking on such a result you might find yourself on web pages crafted by malware developers, which could be running an arbitrary code execution exploit. In some cases just entering a site with this particular exploit might be enough to infect your PC with some unknown malware. It should be quite obvious that My99tab.com is not only annoying but could turn out to be quite dangerous. Do not waste any time and conduct its complete removal if you ever discover this hijacker active on your PC.
How to remove My99tab.com from your PC
Make sure not to delay the removal procedure of My99tab.com. It is critical to terminate it as soon as possible since keeping it active on your PC could have detrimental outcomes. We also highly advise you to double-check your PC for any traces associated with it once you are done with the manual removal. This is important because leftovers of this hijacker could act in a quite aggressive manner. There is a chance that just a few files or registry entries of My99tab.com could trigger its silent restoration. In other situations, those same traces might be the reason the dubious alteration of your homepage remained in place. If you believe that manual removal and analysis of your PC for anything linked to this hijacker are a bit too complicated, make sure to delete it with a professional antimalware tool as it can do that in a fully automated manner.
How to remove My99tab.com from your PC
Google Chrome
- Open your File Explorer.
- Go to C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default.
- Select and delete files entitled Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data.
- Right-click your Recycle Bin and then select Empty Recycle Bin.
Mozilla Firefox
- Open your File Explorer.
- Navigate to C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\(unique Mozilla profile ID).
- Right-click a file called prefs.js and select Delete.
- Right-click your Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.
Internet Explorer
- Click the Windows button.
- Type regedit into a search field and tap Enter on your keyboard.
- Go to to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.
- Right-click a registry value entitled Start Page and select Modify.
- Replace the unwanted URL with a new one and then click OK.
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