What is My Daily Verse XP?
If you study the Bible daily, extensions like My Daily Verse XP might catch your eye. At the moment, this suspicious add-on does not have an official download page, but it is known that it used to be offered at mydailyversexp.com/DailyBible and chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/my-daily-bible-verse-xp/poamjgfcppmnpeoihkdpbfpjjbiflpib. The official download website and the Chrome web store page has been taken down, and now the potentially unwanted program is believed to spread via third-party installers. They can deliver software bundles that carry both harmless and malicious infections. While we advise deleting My Daily Verse XP, we cannot make any claims about this extension being extremely malicious. Unfortunately, the programs this PUP could come packaged with could be very malicious, and they might require immediate removal. Due to this, we suggest scanning your operating system before you move on. If critical threats are uncovered, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. Afterward, you can address the suspicious application and the search tool that comes along with it.
How does My Daily Verse XP work?
When you install My Daily Verse XP, depending on the web browser, you might have to change search provider and homepage settings too. Obviously, you should never accept anything without researching it first. You should also think carefully if you should trust software or extensions that are forcing you to install something else. When it comes to My Daily Verse XP, you cannot install it without the search tool that comes bundled with it, Search.mydailyversexp.com. This is the method that the creator (Polarity Technologies Ltd.) has employed to push the users of “Maps Driving Directions,” “Easy File Converter,” “My Utility Box,” “My Email Signin,” and many other extensions into letting in browser hijackers. When they take over the browsers, they change the settings to ensure that you use them to surf the web. Why is it not okay to surf the web using Search.mydailyversexp.com? This search engine redirects to Yahoo Search, but it uses this popular search engine to show you the results the creator of My Daily Verse XP wants you to see. Can you trust a tool that modifies search results? Instead of trusting it, you should remove it.
My Daily Verse XP uses tracking web cookies to collect some information about your virtual behavior. The infection is unlikely to record any personal data, but it can check your browsing history and see how you interact with the results that are shown to you. Based on this information, more personalized links can be shown, but that is not necessarily a good thing. If unreliable parties are involved – and we do not claim that they are – information about you could be used to expose you to misleadingly attractive links. So, even though My Daily Verse XP promotes easy-access links to legitimate websites via its own home page (e.g., bible.com, americanbible.org, amazon.com, or facebook.com), the links presented via its search engine should not be trusted. Without a doubt, that is a valid reason to remove this PUP right away.
How to delete My Daily Verse XP
Do not worry if you do not have much experience eliminating malware because deleting My Daily Verse XP should be easy even if you are completely inexperienced. This suspicious extension can be eliminated using the instructions below. Anti-Spyware-101.com research team has created a guide that shows how to remove My Daily Verse XP from Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer browsers, and, hopefully, you can handle the task. Of course, you should not waste your time if more serious threats have been found, and if you realize it is high time you installed a trustworthy anti-malware program. If you use this program to erase malware, it will also delete the unreliable extension. Do you have concerns about the infection? You can ask your questions via the comments section below, and our experienced malware researchers will get back to you as soon as possible.
Removal Guide
Google Chrome:
- Launch the browser and enter chrome://extensions into the address bar.
- Find the undesirable extension and then click Remove.
Mozilla Firefox:
- Launch the browser and enter about:addons into the address bar.
- Find the undesirable extension and then click Remove.
Internet Explorer:
- Launch RUN (Win+R) and enter control panel into the dialog box.
- Go to Uninstall a program, identify the unwanted application, and Uninstall it.
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