What is Mstechsupport.info?
If you have encountered a security warning served by Mstechsupport.info, there is no doubt that someone is trying to scam you. Anti-Spyware-101.com malware researchers have found that this adware server delivers fictitious security messages and advertisements that can lock browsers. In most cases, these fake warnings and ads show up when users visit corrupted websites. You might visit these sites by accident, or you could be routed to them by already active infections that require removal. It is also possible that a Mstechsupport.info warning will show up if adware is active on your operating system. In this case, it should be enough to delete the malicious ad-supported programs to remove the Mstechsupport.info warnings. Unfortunately, many computer users figure out that these warnings require removal only after they get scammed.
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How does Mstechsupport.info work?
Mstechsupport.info is an advertising domain that was set up to showcase advertisements that no other legitimate advertising system would. It is unclear if this domain is controlled by malicious schemers, but it is obvious that they can employ it to inject ads on certain websites. The warnings that Mstechsupport.info presents are extremely annoying, because they are difficult to remove. Once you are introduced to one of the warnings that belong to this unreliable advertising domain, you might notice that you cannot close the warning or even the browser itself. This is meant to push you into following the demands presented via fake warnings. In most cases, these warnings suggest that your operating system is infected with malware that you need to delete. Intimidating statements are followed by a suggestion to call a “live support” number. For example, it might be suggested that you call 1-844-271-9080, but, if you do, malicious programs will not be deleted, and your virtual security will be put at even greater risk.
The warnings delivered by Mstechsupport.info can be associated with unreliable ad-supported programs active on your operating system. This adware could showcase other kinds of offers, ads, and warnings, and it is essential that you delete it from your operating system. Unfortunately, it can be quite difficult to detect and delete Mstechsupport.info-related adware by yourself.
How to delete Mstechsupport.info
If adware is responsible for injecting ads that are associated with Mstechsupport.info, you need to delete it from your operating system as soon as possible. We have prepared a removal guide that might help you delete certain unreliable programs, but it is best to install automatic malware removal software. Even if there are no computer infections that require removal at this time, reliable software will ensure that access to malicious and corrupted websites is always blocked. This way, you will not need to worry about the removal of Mstechsupport.info-related warnings in the future. Follow the guide below to learn how to unblock your browsers.
Remove Mstechsupport.info ads from browsers
- Launch Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc).
- Click the Properties tab.
- Select the browser affected by the paralyzing warning.
- Click the End Task button.
Delete undesirable programs
Remove from Windows XP:
- Click the Start button on the left of the Taskbar.
- Open the Control Panel menu and go to Add or Remove Programs.
- Select the undesirable program and click the Remove button.
Remove from Windows Vista or Windows 7:
- Click the Windows button on the left of the Taskbar.
- Open the Control Panel menu and go to Uninstall a program.
- Right-click the program you wish to delete and choose Uninstall.
Remove from Windows 8 or Windows 8.1:
- Open the Charm bar from the Metro UI and click Search.
- Enter Uninstall a program and open this utility.
- Right-click and Uninstall the program you have chosen to delete.
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