What is Mpal Ransomware?
Your Windows operating system is vulnerable to threats like Mpal Ransomware if you do not take your time to secure it. First and foremost, you should have reliable security software installed to defend you against any incoming threats. Second, you must not skip or postpone updates for your operating system or any installed software because updates contain security patches for vulnerabilities that might help cybercriminals drop their infections. Third, you have to be mindful about what files you download and open. For example, if you open spam email attachments or download file bundles from unreliable sources without any caution, you are simply asking for trouble. Once malware is in, it can cause all kinds of issues. Ransomware specifically is all about encrypting files and demanding money (aka, ransom). In this report, Anti-Spyware-101.com research team explains how to delete Mpal Ransomware and how to make sure that you do not need to remove other similar threats in the future.
How does Mpal Ransomware work?
Did you know that Mpal Ransomware has hundreds of clones? Some of them include Covm Ransomware, Koti Ransomware, and Mzlq Ransomware. All of these threats were built using the STOP Ransomware code that was created years ago. Because the process of creating new infections is so simple, it is no wonder that hundreds of STOP Ransomware threats have emerged. All of these threats work the same. First, they have to enter the system silently, and as we discussed already, they usually use spam emails, unreliable downloaders, and system/software vulnerabilities to slither in and execute. Once that is done, these threats begin the encryption process. While Mpal Ransomware and its clones do not care about your system files, all personal files can be corrupted by them. After encryption, you should find a new extension attached to the files’ names, and these extensions are used to name the threats too. Needless to say, the threat we are discussing in this report adds “.mpal.” Unfortunately, you cannot restore files by deleting the extension or renaming files. The situation is much more complicated than that.
After encryption, a file named “_readme.txt” is dropped by Mpal Ransomware. The attackers use this file to inform you that all files were encrypted and that the “only method of recovering files” is to pay the ransom. The sum of the ransom is always the same: $490 if paid within 3 days, and $980 after that. The ransom note does not include payment information, and victims are supposed to send an email to helpmanager@mail.ch or helpdatarestore@firemail.cc to get this information. If you did that, the attackers could approach you at any point, even after you removed Mpal Ransomware. They also could approach you with new scams, which is why we suggest that you refrain from contacting them at all. What about the ransom payment? We do not recommend paying it simply because we do not believe that you would get a decryptor in return. Keep your money to yourself and invest it into security software that could protect you. But what about the files? If you have backup copies stored online or on external drives, use them as replacements after you delete the threat. Another option is to use a free decryptor named STOP Decryptor. Unfortunately, this tool does not guarantee success.
How to delete Mpal Ransomware
Can you follow the instructions below? If you can, perhaps you can remove Mpal Ransomware as well. Unfortunately, manual removal is not fail-proof, and if you are less experienced, you might have a hard time eliminating all malware components. Not to mention that your system would remain vulnerable and weak even after successful removal. Hopefully, you have not wasted any money on cybercriminals, and now you can invest it into legitimate anti-malware software that can automatically delete Mpal Ransomware and also secure your system against new threats. Once you have malware deleted and your system secured, move on to replacing your files with backups or giving the free decryptor a go. Let us know what happens by posting a comment below.
Removal Guide
- Delete recently downloaded suspicious files.
- Launch File Explorer by tapping Win+E keys.
- Enter %LOCALAPPDATA% into the quick access field.
- Delete the folder (e.g., 0115174b-bd55-4caf-a89a-d8ff8132151f) with ransomware files inside.
- Enter %HOMEDRIVE% into the quick access field.
- Delete the file named _readme.txt and also a folder named SystemID.
- Empty Recycle Bin and then immediately perform a full system scan using a legit malware scanner.
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