What is MonCrypt Ransomware?
Can you recover the files that were corrupted by MonCrypt Ransomware? It does not look like that is possible because the infection uses a unique encryptor that has not been deciphered yet. It is likely that no one will be able to decipher it as most ransomware infections remain undecryptable. At the time of research, free decryptors did not exist, and the tool offered by the attackers behind the infection could not be trusted. If you do not understand why that is so, we suggest that you read this report carefully. Of course, if you have paid the ransom, it is likely that you already know that cybercriminals cannot be trusted. Hopefully, you have not wasted your money yet, and you also can replace the corrupted files with securely stored backups. Before you do that, you must delete MonCrypt Ransomware, and while this infection is not incredibly complex, removing it requires skill and knowledge. Continue reading to learn all about the infection, and do not forget to use the comments section if you want to ask questions.
How does MonCrypt Ransomware work?
MonCrypt Ransomware is comparable to Scarab-Good Ransomware, Scarab-Glutton Ransomware, and all other infections from the Scarab Ransomware family because it was created using the same code as all other infections from this family. According to our research team at Anti-Spyware-101.com, this malware can use clever disguises to invade vulnerable (i.e., unprotected) operating systems. For example, the launcher could be concealed as a document file and introduced along with a misleading spam email message. Alternatively, it could be hidden within a bundled downloader. Many other methods of ransomware distribution exist, and the attackers could come up with new ones too. Therefore, it is NOT enough to delete spam emails or avoid bundled downloaders. If you fail to protect your system and remain cautious, MonCrypt Ransomware could slither in and encrypt all personal files without your notice. During the encryption, it should drop a file named “osk.exe” to the %APPDATA% directory, but this file is meant to remove itself automatically afterward. Unfortunately, even if you successfully delete all of the components associated with this malware, the encrypted files will not be restored.
Next to the encrypted files – which are marked with the additional “.moncrypt” extension – MonCrypt Ransomware drops a file named “HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT.” The message inside declares that files are recoverable but only if a special decryption key is applied. To obtain it, the victim has to contact the attackers at moncoin@protonmail.com and then pay a ransom in return for the key. We do not know how small or big the ransom is, but we know that cybercriminals are not to be trusted. They can promise to give you a decryptor in exchange, but their promises are not worth much. It is much more likely that once the attackers got the money, they would stop communicating with you and answering your emails. Unfortunately, once you give away your money, it cannot be recovered; just like your files after encryption. Even if recovery is impossible, some victims of MonCrypt Ransomware might be able to replace the corrupted files with backups. If you have copies of photos, documents, and other precious files stored outside the computer, you will be able to make a replacement after the removal.
How to delete MonCrypt Ransomware
Do you have a plan on how to remove MonCrypt Ransomware from your operating system? You might be most interested in deleting this threat yourself, but of course, this is not a solution for every victim. If you have experience with malware, and if you have skills removing it, you should have no trouble performing the manual removal. What if you are not skilled or experienced? What if you cannot secure your operating system against malware in the future? What if you need help protecting your personal files? In that case, we advise legitimate implementing anti-malware software. It will automatically delete MonCrypt Ransomware as well as take care of your operating system’s security. Afterward, if you have backups, you will be able to use them to replace the corrupted files. Needless to say, you must not forget to backup files in the future to ensure that you always have copies just in case.
Removal Guide
- Delete the file named HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT (all copies must be erased).
- Launch File Explorer (tap Win+E keys) and enter %APPDATA% into the quick access field.
- Delete a file named osk.exe if it has failed to eliminate itself after encryption.
- Also, Delete all suspicious files that you might have downloaded recently.
- Empty Recycle Bin and then run a full system scan using a trustworthy malware scanner.
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