Mmpa Ransomware

What is Mmpa Ransomware?

Mmpa Ransomware is a harmful application that can encrypt your files to ensure that you could not open them. As you see, encrypted files can be opened only if they get decrypted first. The problem is that doing so might be impossible because it requires special decryption tools. Hackers might claim that they have such tools and that they will be delivered to you once you pay a ransom, but there are no guarantees that it will happen. In other words, you could get scammed and lose both your money and files. If you do not want to pay a ransom, we advise checking if you have backup copies that you could use to replace encrypted files. We also recommend deleting Mmpa Ransomware if you plan on using the infected device since leaving the threat on it could endanger your future data. To learn more about the threat and its removal, we invite you to read our full article.test

Where does Mmpa Ransomware come from?

Some ransomware applications are spread via infected email attachments, other travel via ads and file-sharing websites. Thus, when it comes to avoiding threats like Mmpa Ransomware, it is essential to stay away from files, links, and buttons that might come from unknown senders or websites. If you must open a file even though you are not sure that it is safe to do so, we advise not to rush and scan it with a legitimate antimalware tool. Once the scan is complete, you should know whether it is truly wise to open the file. If you search for software, make sure that you download installers only from legit websites as torrent and other file-sharing websites can contain various types of threats.

How does Mmpa Ransomware work?

The malware should hide itself until it finishes encrypting all targeted files. Our researchers at say that Mmpa Ransomware should encrypt pictures, documents, videos, and files alike. As for data belonging to your operating system or other software installed on the device, it should be left unencrypted. You can separate encrypted files from files that have not been encrypted by looking at their names. If a file gets locked, it should have the .mmpa extension. For instance, a picture titled roses.jpg would become roses.jpg.mmpa.

As soon as Mmpa Ransomware encrypts files, it should drop a text file called _readme.txt. It should contain a message saying that all your files were encrypted and that you can decrypt them by paying a ransom. The message should ask to contact the malware’s creators about the payment details within 72 hours to get a 50 percent discount. It should also suggest sending a file that is not important to you for free decryption. By decrypting it, hackers want to prove that they have the decryption tools that can decipher your files. However, even if they appear to have the tools you need, it does not mean that they will deliver them to you. What we mean is that they might not bother doing so and, as a result, your money could be lost in vain. Thus, we advise thinking carefully before deciding what to do with the hackers’ proposal.

How to erase Mmpa Ransomware?

We mentioned in the beginning that it might be dangerous to leave the ransomware application unattended. That is because the malware might be able to restart with the operating system, and if it does, it could encrypt new data that was not on the computer when the last encryption process took place. If you want to try erasing Mmpa Ransomware manually, you could use the instructions placed below. However, we must warn you that they might not work in every case. The other way to delete Mmpa Ransomware is to scan your system with a reliable antimalware tool that should let you get rid of the threat by pressing its displayed deletion button.

Remove Mmpa Ransomware

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Open Task Manager and click on Processes.
  3. Find a process belonging to the malware.
  4. Select it and click End Task.
  5. Close Task Manager.
  6. Press Windows key+E.
  7. Search these directories:
  8. Look for the malware’s installer, right-click the malicious file, and press Delete.
  9. Go to:
    %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
  10. Find folders with long titles that should be made from random characters, for example, 4f9ea444-55f4-499d-0f16-9a28ac4t9oe6.
  11. Right-click such folders and press Delete to remove them.
  12. Right-click text documents called _readme.txt and select Delete to get rid of them.
  13. Navigate to: %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks
  14. Find a task belonging to the malware, for example, Time Trigger Task.
  15. Right-click the malicious task and press Delete.
  16. Exit File Explorer.
  17. Press Window key+R.
  18. Type Regedit and press Enter.
  19. Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  20. Right-click a value name belonging to the threat, for example, SysHelper and choose Delete to erase it.
  21. Exit Registry Editor.
  22. Empty Recycle Bin.
  23. Restart the computer. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Mmpa Ransomware*

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