What is Minotaur Ransomware?
Your operating system can be heavily impacted by the entrance of Minotaur Ransomware, a malicious file-encryptor that uses a complex encryption algorithm to render files unreadable. This is not done just to mess with users. Files are encrypted to force victims to pay a huge ransom payment in return for a decryption key that, allegedly, is the only thing that can restore files. Although that is likely to be the truth, Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers warn that those who pay the ransom are unlikely to get the decryptor. Cyber criminals behind this malicious ransomware are not obligated to do it. Unfortunately, no one has tracked these criminals down and stopped their attacks yet, which is why it is the responsibility of every Windows users to secure their operating systems and personal files against the infection. In this report, we discuss how to secure the system to prevent malware from attacking in the future, as well as how to delete Minotaur Ransomware. As for the files, we do not have a solution for you, and you have to be very cautious about sources that claim otherwise. You can recover files only if they are backed up.
How does Minotaur Ransomware work?
If Minotaur Ransomware slithered in and encrypted your personal files, the chances are that you opened a corrupted spam email attachment. It is possible that other security backdoors and vulnerabilities might be used as well, but, for now, spam emails are deemed to be used most frequently. The execution of the infection is silent, but once files are encrypted, they cannot be read, and the “.Lock” extension is added to their names. This extension has been used by GrodexCrypt Ransomware, LockCrypt Ransomware, and several other infections in the past. There is no need to focus on this extension or waste any time talking about it because it basically means nothing. You can remove this extension, but your files will remain encrypted. The same will happen if you delete “How To Decrypt Files.txt.” It is a file created by the malicious Minotaur Ransomware, and its purpose is to introduce you to minotaur@420blaze.it, an email address that you can write to communicate with the creator of the infection. Should you do it? We do not recommend it, but if you choose to contact attackers, make sure you create a new email address to prevent them from recording your own address, which they could use to scam you in the future.
The ransom note includes a unique key that you are supposed to send cyber criminals for identification purposes, or so it seems. The message simply informs:” SEND YOUR (KEY) TO OUR E-MAIL FOR SUPPORT!” That indicates that you will get all the information you need only after you send the email. Luckily, the ransom note reveals that a ransom of 0.125 Bitcoin (at the time of research, that converted to 430 USD) will be requested in the end, and if you have no intention of paying it, there is no point in contacting cyber criminals. Our research team does not advise paying the ransom even if you are willing to do it to save your personal files. That is because you are likely to be scammed. Cyber attackers will take your money, but the promised decryptor will not be given to you in return.
How to delete Minotaur Ransomware
You should not wait to remove Minotaur Ransomware from your operating system because, after all, it is a malicious threat that cyber attackers are using to mess with you. Where is the executable of this malware? If you can find it, go ahead and delete it immediately. If you are not able to find the threat yourself, we suggest using anti-malware software to have your operating system cleaned. The right anti-malware tool will automatically delete Minotaur Ransomware components – including all copies of the ransom note file – and then it will also reinforce protection to keep the system guarded against new infections. Needless to say, you will not get this if you decide to erase the threat yourself. We understand that the removal process can be intimidating and confusing, which is why we offer our help via the comments section. If you have questions or need help of any kind, do not hesitate to leave us a comment.
Removal Instructions
- Right-click and Delete the executableof the ransomware. It could be located here:
- %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
- %TEMP%
- Delete the ransom note file, How To Decrypt Files.txt (note that the copies must be erased too).
- Install a legitimate malware scanner to inspect your system for leftovers that might still require attention.
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