What is Mind Ransomware?
Mind Ransomware, also known as MindSystem Ransomware, is a threat that might become your worst nightmare if it is ever updated and cyber criminals start distributing it actively with the intention of obtaining money from users. Judging from the sentence “For education only!” available in file.jpg, a file it drops on Desktop following the successful entrance, this infection has been originally developed for educational purposes. Unfortunately, we cannot give you any guarantees that it will never be used for money extortion. We are sure you would not want to encounter the original version of Mind Ransomware either because it encrypts files too. Luckily, this version also drops a separate file called key.txt with a unique key that can be used to restore the encrypted data. Needless to say, it will no longer act like this if it is ever taken over by cyber criminals. We have the same piece of advice for all users who discover Mind Ransomware on their computers – delete this infection as soon as possible no matter it has locked your files or not because keeping a ransomware infection active on the system will sooner or later result in even more problems. Also, it is not very likely that you could use your PC normally if this infection stays because it has disabled a bunch of system tools and features. It should be emphasized that files stay as they are, i.e., encrypted even if crypto-malware is gone from the system, so do not expect to find your data intact again if your files have been locked by Mind Ransomware.
What does Mind Ransomware do?
Mind Ransomware is not yet used as a tool for obtaining money from users more easily; however, if it somehow manages to enter your computer, you will still find some of your files encrypted. Luckily, it encrypts only those files located on Desktop (%USERPROFILE%\Desktop) by appending the .mind extension to all of them. If you see the key.txt file there too, it means that it might be possible to restore files for free. If Mind Ransomware is ever updated, we are sure it will start demanding money after encrypting users’ pictures, documents, and other personal files. You will be told that only a special decryption tool can decrypt files, but do not rush to send money to cyber criminals in such a case no matter what the price of the decryptor is because the chances are high that you will get nothing from them. Needless to say, your money will not be given back to you either. Even if cyber criminals send the decryptor after receiving your money, it does not mean that it will work, so it is always a better idea to ignore all demands of ransomware infections.
Where does Mind Ransomware come from?
As you should already know, Mind Ransomware is not one of those actively distributed malicious applications; however, it does not mean that this cannot change soon. If cyber criminals ever take over this infection, they will spread it via spam emails as an attachment, specialists at anti-spyware-101.com say. Although it is one of the most popular methods used to disseminate ransomware infections, it does not mean that it is the only distribution method that can be adopted. Theoretically, crypto-threats can be dropped on users’ PCs by other malicious applications too. Additionally, users might download them from dubious file-sharing pages accidentally too. It is definitely not an easy task to protect the system from malware, so we do not even recommend trying to ensure the system’s protection alone. Instead, we recommend installing security software.
How to remove Mind Ransomware
If you could not protect your PC and Mind Ransomware has somehow managed to enter your computer, you must eliminate it as soon as possible, no matter whether you have encountered the original, i.e., educational version or not. Unfortunately, this threat has disabled your Task Manager, Registry Editor, and a bunch of other system features, so you will need to fix them first so that you could delete Mind Ransomware. If you find this removal method too complicated, you should use an automatic malware remover, such as SpyHunter, to undo the modifications made and remove malware from the system completely.
Remove Mind Ransomware
Enable/fix system tools and features
- Press Win+R to launch Run.
- Type explorer.exe and click OK to launch the Windows Explorer killed by Mind Ransomware.
- Press Win+R again and type gpedit.msc in the box. Press Enter.
- Navigate to User Configuration.
- Select Administrative Templates and click System.
- Double-click Prevent access to the command prompt.
- Check Not Configured or Disabled. Click OK.
- Double-click Prevent access to registry editing tools.
- Repeat the 7th step.
- Press Win+R and type regedit.exe.
- Click OK.
- Move to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System.
- Locate DisableTaskMgr and double-click it.
- Change its Value data to 0.
- Click OK.
- Locate DisableLockWorkstation in the same registry key and change its Value data to 0.
- Click OK.
- Locate NoLogoff there and double-click it.
- Type 0 in its Value data. Click OK.
- Find HideFastUserSwitching.
- Right-click it, select Modify, and type 0 in its Value data. Click OK.
- Double-click EnableLUA.
- Change its Value data to 1. Click OK.
- Find DisableChangePassword and right-click it and click Modify.
- In the Value data, type 0 and click OK.
- Locate the NoClose Value, double-click it, and then type 0 in its Value data. Click OK.
- Move to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
- Locate the NoClose Value.
- Double-click it and type 0 in its Value data. Click OK.
- Close Registry Editor.
Delete the ransomware infection
- Press Win+E.
- Delete all recently downloaded files from such directories as %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, %TEMP%, and %USERPROFILE%\Downloads.
- Remove two files key.txt and file.jpg from %USERPROFILE%\Desktop.
- Empty Recycle bin.
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