What is Milestone Antivirus?
Do not fall for the vicious lies of Milestone Antivirus. This fake security software was designed to explicitly to trick users into thinking their systems are under attack, when in reality the only threat on their systems is Milestone Antivirus. This rogue antispyware application enters the system under suspicious circumstances and will not be able to live up to any of its promises.
Milestone Antivirus makes use of rubbish online malware scanners and seditious browser hijacking websites in order to infiltrate its victim’s PC without being able detected. The browser hijacking websites forcefully redirect a user to its compromised landing pages, where it will use drive-by download tactics to root the Milestone Antivirus infection in the system.
tested removal of Milestone Antivirus* 100% FREE spyware scan and
Users who did not manage to get rid of Milestone Antivirus in time complained about various disturbing and utterly annoying symptoms associated with this rogue. These include being unable to launch any type of application from the system, as well as having blocked Internet connections. Others complained about poor system performance and increased system erratic behavior.
These are some examples of how Milestone Antivirus warning messages may look like:
Security Warning
Your computer continues to be infected with harmful viruses. In order to prevent permanent loss of your information and credit card data theft please activate your antivirus software. Click here to enable protection.
Security Warning
There are critical system files on your computer that were modified by malicious program.
It will cause unstable work of your system and permanent data loss.
Click here to undo performed modifications and remove malicious software (Highly recommended).
Warning: Infection is Detected
Windows has found spyware infection on your computer!
Click here to update your Windows antivirus software
svchost.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.
Please tell Microsoft about this problem.
We have created an error report that you can send to us. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.
To see what data this error report contains, click here.
In order to regain full control of your PC, destroy Milestone Antivirus immediately. This is best achieved by making use of a genuine security tool which will not only obliterate Milestone Antivirus but also protect against similar future attacks.

Stop these Milestone Antivirus Processes:
c:\Program Files\conhost.exe