What is .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware?
If you have just found that some of your files cannot be opened and contain the extension .locked_file, that means that you have fallen victim to the .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware, which is a type of malware that holds data to ransom. This infection encrypts targeted files and displays a message with the attacker's requirements. It is highly advisable to disregard the demand to pay a release fee and the warning not to remove the malware, but our team at anti-spyware-101.com strongly recommends taking immediate action to prevent potential damage in the future. The .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware is a computer infection the ultimate goal of which is to encourage you to pay for data recovery. It is very rare that the attacker would bother to provide the victim with a decryption key or tool, though there are some cases when cyber fraudsters published a great number of master keys for no reason. The safest way to restore your data is by backing it up from a cloud or storage device. If you do no have the copies of your files, it is high time you made them.
How does the .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware work?
The .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware infects a computer and scan the hard drive for certain folder and files. The infection bypasses folders such as Application Data, Local Settings, Temperary, Boot, and some others. The infection does not affect files with specific file extensions, including .ttf, .html, .gif, torrent_info, and some others. The files that remain unaffected by the .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware does not contain highly valuable information. Your photos, video images, Office documents are likely to be locked, which means that you cannot access and use them as usual. The compromised files are marked by adding the extension .locked_file, hence the name of the threat. In addition, the email address restoreassistant2@tutanota.com is added in front of the extension. The same email address is mentioned in the ransom warning.
In addition to the preferences of the .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware, the infection makes some other changes within the system. In order to modify user rights to some files, the infection used the commands CACLS and Attrib. The CACL command is used with its parameters /E, /G %USERNAME%:F, and /C, whereas the Attrib command is used to alter the read-only, archive, and hidden attributes assigned to files and their directories. In this particular case, the .Locked_file Extension Ransomware uses the attributes -R, -A, and -H, which are used to clear the read-only file attribute, the archive file attribute, and the hidden file attribute respectively.
The .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware also creates the mutex OurMainMutex007, the function of which is to check whether the process of the infection is already running. Moreover, the threat creates two registry keys in the HKCU (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) registry hive to check whether the operating system has been compromised.
Once all these changes are made, and they are made instantly, the infection drops a ransom note in a .html file named !HOW_TO_UNLOCK_FILES!.html, where the victim is provided with details on the present incident and how everything can be sorted out. Interestingly, the attacker, or attackers, does not specify the release fee, neither do they mention the method of payment. All that the victim is expected to do is send the attacker the unique ID of the computer created by the infection. The victim is also offered the chance to have three files decrypted on condition that the files contain no valuable information and are up to 5 MB in size. Our team at anti-spyware-101.com recommends that you ignore such deceptive offers and remove the .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware as soon as you can.
Paying up is not likely to end up in restoring your personal data, so you should take measure to eliminate the malicious threat from the PC. There are a great many of threats similar to the .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware, and our advice is to take preventative measures in advance.
How to remove the .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware?
Even though the .Locked_file Extension Ransomware is a complex threat, it is possible to remove it manually. However, you should bear in mind that you cannot protect yourself from other threats. Powerful anti-malware software is a must if you want to be sure that you are safe when browsing the Internet. After removing the infection manually, it is advisable to scan the system to make sure that no dangerous files are left within the system.
Remove the .Locked_file Ransomware
- Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select Task Manager.
- End suspicious processes.
- Delete the ransomaware-related files from the desktop and other locations to which downloaded files are saved.
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Stop these .Locked_file File Extension Ransomware Processes: