What is Kristina Ransomware?
If you are introduced to a strange window with the name “KRISTINA” plastered at the top, there is no doubt that an infection dubbed Kristina Ransomware has invaded your operating system. According to the research conducted by Anti-Spyware-101.com research team, this malware is most likely to invade Windows operating systems using fake downloads or, as it is most common, via corrupted spam email attachments. Needless to say, this threat does not invade those systems that are reliably protected by up-to-date anti-malware tools capable of detecting and deleting malicious files in time. If your operating system is not guarded, the devious ransomware is likely to slither in and execute itself without your notice at all. Of course, if you notice it, you must remove Kristina Ransomware right away because this threat has only one goal, and that is to encrypt your personal files. Unfortunately, when it comes to this malware, prevention is key because not much can be done once the files are encrypted. Continue reading if you want to learn more.
How does Kristina Ransomware work?
Kristina Ransomware is one of the many file-encrypting ransomware threats that have been dominating the virtual world in the recent years. Some of the better-known threats from this group include CryptoLocker Ransomware, Locky Ransomware, and WanaCrypt Ransomware. All of these infections target personal files, and extremely complex algorithms are used for their encryption. You will not be able to miss the files encrypted by the devious Kristina Ransomware because it adds a monstrous extension to all of their original names: =[unique ID number]=hernansec@protonmail.ch.crypt12. The files with this extension cannot be opened because they are encrypted, and that is stated in a file called “!!!!readme!!!.txt”. This file is created by the developer of the ransomware to urge users to contact hernansec@protonmail.ch, which, as you can see, is also embedded in the file extension as well. If you remove the extension from the names of the encrypted files, nothing will change. When it comes to the specific files that are targeted, our research team has found that this malware avoids files with such original extensions as .key, .scr, .db, .dat, or .hsh. While the threat avoids system files, it does not avoid photos, archives, and other personal data. Once it is encrypted, there is no turning back, and the only thing you might be able to do is to delete the ransomware.
If you contact the email presented by Kristina Ransomware, you will receive instructions showing how to pay a ransom fee. Even if you think that that is the only option you have when it comes to the decryption of your personal files, you need to remember that you are dealing with schemers. Surely, you do not think that they can be trusted, do you? Unfortunately, in most cases, cyber crooks behind ransomware take the money that victims so willingly give, and then they disappear without providing users with decryptors. Hopefully, you still have time to protect your data because it appears that the devious Kristina Ransomware is not yet released. At the moment, the window shown by this malware allows the user to control the encryption, which suggests it might be used as an educational tool. Whether it is in development or is used for other purposes, we have to consider the possibility that this malware could become a real security threat in the future. Protect your operating system NOW and read the tips that could help you remove the infection if it attacked.
How to remove Kristina Ransomware
The current version of Kristina Ransomware deletes itself once the encryption is complete. The main executable eliminates itself, but you need to erase leftovers. These leftovers are represented in the guide below. If you are not so keen on removing Kristina Ransomware manually, you do not need to get involved. Instead, you can install anti-malware software, and that is what we strongly recommend. First and foremost, reliable and authentic anti-malware software can take care of the virtual protection of your operating system, and, as discussed already, protecting the system is key to having it free from malware in the future. Also, this software can automatically erase existing malware, which is very helpful. Another thing you should take care of is your files. Although anti-malware software can help, you need to take an extra step by backing up your files. Even if malware invades and encrypts your files, they will not be lost.
Removal Instructions
- Launch Explorer by tapping Win+E key.
- Enter %TEMP% into the bar at the top.
- Delete the file named wallpaper.bmp and then restore the preferred Desktop image.
- Delete the ransom note file called !!!!readme!!!.txt (it might have copies).
- Empty Recycle Bin and then perform a full system scan.
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