What is KMSEmulator.exe?
KMSEmulator.exe is a malicious file that is associated with a number of Trojan infections. Depending on which antivirus program you have installed on your computer, it could be detected as Win32:Malware-gen, BackDoor.Hackdoor.R, Trojan.Gen and so on. In general, KMSEmulator.exe is most often related to Trojan.gen.2 which denotes an entire group of Trojan infections that seriously compromise your system. Due to the fact that Trojan infections do not manifest themselves, you need to perform regular system scans with SpyHunter free scanner. This way you will be able to detect and remove KMSEmulator.exe on time, along with other potentially dangerous files.
Where does KMSEmulator.exe come from?
This malicious file actually causes quite a lot of confusion even among the tech savvy users; because while some computer security programs detect it as malware, others claim that it is a hack tool or key generator. It would allow one to presuppose that users download KMSEmulator.exe onto their computers willingly, because they need a license key generator to trick software program into “thinking” that the full version has been purchased. Unfortunately, Trojan infections quite often arrive together with crack tools, which means that KMSEmulator.exe may not exactly be what you think it is. Although it MAY perform its function as a crack tool or a key generator, it can still infect you with Trojans, thus putting your system at risk.
What does KMSEmulator.exe do?
As it has been mentioned above, KMSEmulator.exe can be considered a crack tool. It means that it generates license or registration keys to software programs, when users want to avoid paying for the full version of some legitimate program. However, even though technically the main function of KMSEmulator.exe is generating activation codes, by running this program you can actually initiate a Trojan infection as well. From there and onwards, the behavior exhibited by Trojan.gen.2 depends solely on the cyber hacker who created the infection. The Trojan will contact its command and control center via HTTP protocol and it will download files to upgrade itself or even infect you with more threats.
How to remove KMSEmulator.exe?
In order to remove KMSEmulator.exe, you need to remove the Trojan infection as well. Manual removal is not recommended unless you are a computer expert, because it requires working with Registry Editor. Should you accidentally remove important system files via Registry Editor (it DOES NOT have undo function), you could successfully “blue-screen” your computer. Thus, invest in a reliable computer antimalware tool to remove KMSEmulator.exe automatically. The computer security program of choice will also help you to safeguard your system against similar infections in the future, so do what is best for your PC.
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