What is Katyusha Ransomware?
How many personal photos and important document files are stored on your Windows operating system? Unfortunately, Katyusha Ransomware can encrypt all of them. This dangerous infection is like a bulldozer, and it can destroy everything in its way. Of course, it is not programmed to encrypt system files because that would make it impossible for cyber attackers to make their own demands. When it comes to the demands, the attackers behind the ransomware want only one thing, and that is your money. The majority of file-encryptors are created for this one purpose alone. There have been threats that Anti-Spyware-101.com recognized as “educational” – such as Ctf Ransomware or GPCode Ransomware – but most of them were created to fill the pockets of criminals. If you do not want cyber attackers to reach their goal, do not respond to their demands and quickly delete Katyusha Ransomware instead. If the removal of this threat intimidates you, the information in this guide will ease your mind.
How does Katyusha Ransomware work?
Spam emails could be used to carry the launcher of Katyusha Ransomware as a harmless attachment. Our researchers warn that Doublepulsar and Shadowbrokers\EquationGroup exploits are used as well, and there is a number of other methods that cyber attackers could employ. Ultimately, the launcher of the threat is never introduced in an obvious manner, and it is up to you to unmask it. If you are not able to do it, and the threat slithers in, your personal files are doomed. Unless a security system recognizes and deletes the infection right away, your files are encrypted using a complicated algorithm that cannot be deciphered manually or even by software. It is important to note that you might find programs claiming they can decrypt files, but make sure you research them, so as not to let in more malicious threats. Obviously, if that happens, you must remove them immediately. Unfortunately, your files will not be decrypted if you remove Katyusha Ransomware either. The “.katyusha” extension will remain attached to them. Needless to say, this is where the name of the threat derives from.
The creator of Katyusha Ransomware wants you to believe that you have an option to decrypt files. Two files (_how_to_decrypt_you_files.txt and _how_to_decrypt_you_files.html) are used for this purpose, and the message inside them suggests paying for a decryption “key and tool.” The price, at the time of research, was 0.5 BTC, which was equivalent to $1.640 or €1.400. It is important to note that the currency exchange rates shift frequently, so the sums could be different by the time you read this. Even if money is not an issue for you, we are sure you do not want to waste it on cyber criminals. Unfortunately, that is, most likely, exactly what your action would be – a waste. The payment involves purchasing crypto-currency, transferring a ransom to 3ALmvAWLEothnMF5BjckAFaKB5S6zan9PK (a unique Bitcoin wallet address that is anonymous), and confirming the payment by emailing kts2018@protonmail.com. Although this gives hope that cyber criminals can identify you and send you the decryptor, this is simply meant to mislead you. Do not give in, and focus on removing Katyusha Ransomware.
How to delete Katyusha Ransomware
Whether Katyusha Ransomware encrypted one file or several thousand of them, whether you paid the ransom or not, whether you managed to get your files decrypted or not, you must delete this infection. This devious ransomware is a serious threat, and the sooner you get rid of it, the better. So, how can you do it? The first option is manual removal. You can find and remove Katyusha Ransomware components one by one, but this is risky because the components have random names. You also have the option to install anti-malware software, and that is what we recommend doing. This software will clean your operating system and keep it protected in the future. Of course, no security system can guarantee 100% security, which is why you have to do your part too. Do not open spam email attachments, install all updates to patch vulnerabilities, and backup files to ensure that you have copies even if the originals are encrypted, deleted, or destroyed in any other way.
Removal Instructions
- Find and Delete the [random name].exe launcher file.
- Delete the ransom note files: _how_to_decrypt_you_files.txt, _how_to_decrypt_you_files.html.
- Tap Win+E to access Explorer and enter %WINDIR%\Temp\ into the bar at the top.
- Delete the malicious ransomware files: Katyusha.dll, ktsi.exe.
- Empty Recycle Bin and immediately run a full system scan to look for leftovers.
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