What is JesusCrypt Ransomware?
JesusCrypt Ransomware is a new ransomware infection that is still under development. It means that a new version of this application might be released soon enough. However, now we have to focus on this exact version. Luckily, it is not that complicated to remove JesusCrypt Ransomware from your system, but it might not be that easy to restore the encrypted files. It is possible that you will have to start assembling your data library anew, but that shouldn’t discourage. When you need to remove ransomware, you just remove it.
Where does JesusCrypt Ransomware come from?
Lately, we have been dealing mostly with the Dharma Ransomware family and the STOP Ransomware family. JesusCrypt Ransomware on, the other hand, comes from yet another infamous group of ransomware infections – the Hidden Tear Ransomware family. How is it different from the other two?
For the most part, programs that belong to the Hidden Tear family are not exactly related. Hidden Tear refers to a ransomware code that is available for public. It is an open-source infection. So, anyone who knows how to access that code can create their own version of malware. JesusCrypt Ransomware is one of those tweaked applications. Previously released programs that were based on the Hidden Tear code include Facebook Ransomware, Poop Ransomware, PTP Ransomware, and so on.
Some of those programs may have public decryption keys, some won’t. Although we can always expect security researchers to keep on looking for the best ways to mitigate the ransomware infection damage, it is not wise to rely on such a faint hope. Rather than waiting for anyone to solve your problems, you should solve them yourself.
First, you have to make sure that you don’t get infected with such intruders again. According to our research team, JesusCrypt Ransomware probably uses spam email attachments or corrupted RDP connections to reach their victims. So, in a sense, it uses the most common ransomware distribution methods to spread around. It also means that users can easily avoid the infection if they are careful about the content they encounter online.
For example, you could scan every single file you receive with a security tool. It is especially relevant if you do not recognize the sender. If the received file is dangerous, you would be notified immediately, and you would be able to avoid JesusCrypt Ransomware or anything like it.
What does JesusCrypt Ransomware do?
On the other hand, there are a lot of users out there who fail to prevent this dangerous infection from entering their systems. Needless to say, when this program infects the target computer, it launches the encryption process that affects most of the commonly used file types. The program can also kill Windows processes that are currently running in the system, for example, Task Manager, Calculator, your browser, and so on.
Like most of the ransomware infections, JesusCrypt Ransomware also displays a ransom note. The note can be found in the READ_IT.txt that is dropped on your desktop. Here’s what the note has to say:
Files has been encrypted with Jesus Crypt
Send me some $200 worth of bitcoins To: ###
Or Your Files Will Be Unaccessable!
The infection also displays a pop-up window that you gives the email and the Telegram ID you can use to contact these criminals. However, computer security experts are strongly against paying the ransom because there is no guarantee that would work. What’s more, we don’t want to encourage the cyber criminals to create more infections, do we? So, the best way to go about this situation is to remove JesusCrypt Ransomware for good.
How do I remove JesusCrypt Ransomware?
As mentioned, removing this ransomware infection is not complicated. This program runs from the directory where it was downloaded to. So please remove all the latest files to make sure you get rid of JesusCrypt Ransomware. After that, you should scan your computer with the SpyHunter free scanner. After all, there might be more potential intruders on your system. Only when your computer is absolutely clean can you start looking for ways to restore your files. If you have a file backup, you can just remove the encrypted copies and transfer healthy files into your computer. If not, please refer to a professional technician for assistance.
Manual JesusCrypt Ransomware Removal
- Remove the latest files from Desktop.
- Delete the most recent files from the Downloads folder.
- Press Win+R and type %TEMP%. Click OK.
- Delete the most recent files from the directory.
- Run a full system scan with SpyHunter.
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