What is Istartpage123.com?
Beware of Istartpage123.com if you use Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers. This hijacker can easily change the search engine and homepage settings if you are not cautious. Although we have thoroughly analyzed this infection, we knew a lot about it even before we initiated research simply because it was developed by the creators of istartsurf.com, isearch.omiga-plus.com, mystartsearch.com, and other infamous browser hijackers. Clearly, these hijackers are beneficial; otherwise, they would not emerge over and over again. Unfortunately, computer users continue being careless with the software they install, which is why it is no wonder so many are researching the removal of Istartpage123.com. Well, we have all answers regarding your questions associated with this hijacker.
How does Istartpage123.com work?
If you look at the interface of Istartpage123.com, it is unlikely that you will suspect it being an unreliable search provider. The interface is clean, and you are only provided with a search box and a few search tools (Web, Images, Videos, and News). Additionally, you are provided with the language menu and links to Terms and Privacy documents. As you know, you cannot judge a book by its cover, and Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers have found that behind an inconspicuous interface lies a very suspicious tool. The worst part is that this tool can be employed by mysterious parties, and this is the main reason you MUST get rid of this hijacker as soon as possible. Of course, because Istartpage123.com redirects to Yahoo, not all users will realize that this search provider is not reliable.
Was Yahoo Search set as your startup homepage or default search provider prior to the entrance of the Istartpage123.com hijacker? If it was, you might think that some kind of error has occurred. In reality, this hijacker changes the search results shown to you, which makes the Yahoo search tool shown to you unreliable. If you want to use Yahoo, set it as the default search provider, but do not access it via an unreliable browser hijacker. Moreover, if you just ignore this infection, you will allow unpredictable tracking cookies to spy on you, and this could lead to trouble. Although it is unlikely that Istartpage123.com can track and leak your personal information, we do not know the parties partnered with Turing Tech Inc., which is the owner and operator of the suspicious search provider. If you do not want to possibly face unreliable parties, it is best to delete the program enabling their activity.
How to get rid of Istartpage123.com
Istartpage123.com is an incredibly strange program, and because it can modify browsers’ shortcuts, its removal is also quite strange. There are two ways to fix this issue automatically: You can restore settings one shortcut at a time, or you can run the uninstaller, as shown in the guide below. Needless to say, the latter option is the quicker one. Afterward, you have to change homepage and search provider settings to ensure safe browsing. Of course, you cannot forget about the cookies and the malware that is likely to come bundled. We advise using automated malware removal software to delete these leftovers.
Remove Istartpage123.com
Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8:
- Simultaneously tap Win+R to launch RUN.
- Enter Control Panel and click OK.
- Under Programs select Uninstall a program.
- Right-click the unwanted program and click Uninstall.
Windows 7 and Windows Vista:
- Click the Windows logo on the Taskbar.
- Open Control Panel and click Uninstall a program.
- Right-click the unwanted app and click Uninstall.
Windows XP:
- Open the Start menu from the left of the Taskbar.
- Open Control Panel and go to Add or Remove Programs.
- Select and Remove the undesirable program.
Microsoft Edge:
- Launch Edge and click the More actions icon on the right.
- Click Settings and navigate to the Open with menu.
- Select A specific page or set of pages and select Custom.
- Type in the URL of the desired startup page and click the plus icon.
- Click View advanced settings (at the bottom of the menu).
- Navigate to the Show the home button menu.
- Type the URL of the desired page.
- Navigate to the Search in the address bar with menu.
- Type the URL of the desired search provider.
Mozilla Firefox:
- Launch Firefox, tap Alt+T, and choose Options.
- In the General menu overwrite the Home Page URL.
- In the Search menu Remove the unwanted search provider.
Google Chrome:
- Launch Chrome, tap Alt+F, and select Settings.
- Navigate to the On Startup menu.
- Select Open a specific page or set of pages and click Set page.
- Overwrite the URL of the undesirable option and click OK.
- Navigate to the Appearance menu and select Show Home button.
- Click Change and repeat step 4.
- Navigate to the Search menu and click Manage search engines.
- Click X on the URL of the undesirable search provider and click Done.
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