What is ilivid.com?
iLivid.com is a website where you can download and install iLivid browser toolbar on your computer. This browser toolbar is supposed to help you download various videos from media websites. However, iLivid exhibits intrusive behavior that can hardly be attributed to a legitimate program. Although it does not infect your computer with malware, you are encouraged to exercise caution while using this toolbar and it would be for the best to fully remove iLivid from your computer.
How does iLivid get into my computer?
Usually, iLivid does not use any stealth techniques to enter your computer. Users install the toolbar themselves from the website. If you go through the iLivid toolbar installation process you will see that the typical or default installation include adding iLivid search bar to your browser and changing your homepage into iLivid.com. If you go through the installation process blindly, iLivid will also install Torch web browser on your computer.
Unfortunately, iLivid can also arrive via bundled software downloads, and then it can easily be hacked to collect data on your Internet activity for marketing purposes, redirect you to third party websites, and hijack your search results. What is more, iLivid toolbar can be extremely resistant to removal, causing even more frustration to the computer user.
What do I do with iLivid?
Technically, iLivid toolbar is not a malicious infection. It is usually categorized as potentially unwanted program, so it is advised to remove it from your computer, before it indirectly causes you to download a dangerous infection file. If you think that you cannot remove it manually, acquire a reliable computer safeguard tool that will remove iLivid from your system at once, at the same time restoring your default browser settings.
Use SpyHunter free scanner to check your system for potentially dangerous files, and remove them at once. Leave a question below if you have any inquiries about this browser add-on.
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