What is Hpe Ilo Ransomware?
Hpe Ilo Ransomware is a malicious file-encrypting application. What is unique about it is that it only attacks hard drives accessed via HPE iLO 4 (HPE Integrated Lights-Out) server system. This is why our researchers at Anti-spyware-101.com doubt the application is widely spread. It is more likely the malicious program could be encountered only by some carefully picked victims and their work computers. We suspect this could be true as the malware might display a ransom note mentioning the user would have to pay 2 BTC for decryption. Currently, it is a bit less than thirteen thousand US dollars if you convert the sum. It is a considerable price, especially when often cybercriminals ask users to pay smaller amounts of money. After all, not everyone can afford spending thousands of dollars just for decrypting a few encrypted photos or other files alike. Usually, we advise users not to put up with any demands because there is always a possibility the hackers do not have the promised tools or may not bother delivering them. Thus, it seems smarter to ignore the ransom note and delete the threat. For more information about Hpe Ilo Ransomware we encourage you to read the rest of this article.
Where does Hpe Ilo Ransomware come from?
The cybercriminals who created this malicious program could use a lot of different ways to reach their victims. What we have in mind is, Hpe Ilo Ransomware could infect some devices via harmful software installers or email attachments, and some computers might be attacked by exploiting their vulnerabilities. In many cases, it is difficult to say how the threat got in. Consequently, specialists advise taking a few extra precautions for those who would like to stay away from malicious programs alike. First of all, it is always a good idea to ignore suspicious Spam emails or other messages containing questionable data you were not expecting to receive. Next, researchers think it is crucial to change all weak passwords, renew out-dated programs, and eliminate all other things that might make your system vulnerable to malware. Particularly, in this case, it appears to be the problem could be some victims connected the attacked servers directly to the Internet. Naturally, it would be safer to use a VPN instead.
How does Hpe Ilo Ransomware work?
The first step besides getting in should be locking the user out of his server. To do so, the cybercriminals might use various tactics to gain access to the server and change the password. Soon after this is over, Hpe Ilo Ransomware is supposed to show a ransom note as the user’s login screen. Just as said earlier, this text could suggest paying 2 BTC to the cybercriminals who developed the malware. In return, Hpe Ilo Ransomware’s message might claim the victim will receive a decryption tool that could decipher all encrypted files. The idea might sound tempting if the user has the required sum, but as we mentioned at the beginning of this text, it is not something we would recommend. That is if you cannot afford to lose approximately thirteen thousand US dollars in vain. Obviously, once the payment reaches the hackers, they may not bother to send the decryption tool, or they could continue to try to receive even more money. Therefore, we are against paying the ransom. Instead, we recommend restoring all enciphered files or at least some part of them from backup, e.g., copies on remote cloud storage, other removable media devices, etc.
How to erase Hpe Ilo Ransomware?
It is vital so know there are still some details we do not know about the malicious application, making it almost impossible for us to understand what data Hpe Ilo Ransomware could place on the infected device and how to get rid of it. Because of this the best we can recommend is rebooting the computer into Safe Mode and deleting any questionable data you come across while checking the computer, drives connected to it, and so on. If you do not know how to boot into Safe Mode, you should have a look at the instructions below as they will explain the process in detail.
Reboot the computer in Safe Mode/Safe Mode with Networking
Windows 8/Windows 10
- Tap Win+I for Windows 8 or open the Start menu for Windows 10.
- Click the Power button.
- Press and hold the Shift key and click Restart.
- Choose Troubleshoot and pick Advanced Options.
- Select Startup Settings and click Restart.
- Press the F5 key and restart the PC.
Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
- Go to Start, pick Shutdown options and click Restart.
- Press and hold the F8 key when the computer starts restarting.
- Choose Safe Mode with Networking from the Advanced Boot Options window.
- Click Enter and log on to the computer.
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