What is Hotsearchresults.com?
Hotsearchresults.com is not so hot, and it will not take long for you to realize this, even if you let this search provider in yourself. According to our malware researchers, many users have this search tool take over the homepage on their browsers without permission, which is why we classify it as a browser hijacker. As you probably realize yourself, hijackers are malicious and require immediate destruction. If you continue reading, we will help you remove Hotsearchresults.com from your web browsers, whether you use Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox. What if this hijacker has corrupted a browser that you rarely use? Even if that is the case, you must eliminate this infection because it can put your virtual security at risk without you even knowing it.
How does Hotsearchresults.com work?
Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers can assure you that Hotsearchresults.com is an unreliable search provider. This infection is identical to Searchingrightnow.com, Hispanosearch.com, and other browser hijackers that we have tested and reviewed quite recently. Although these hijackers look like normal search tools, they do not work. If you enter keywords into the Search, you will be introduced to repetitive search results, which means that Hotsearchresults.com will not help you browse the web. The Images, Videos, News, and Shopping tools are just as useless, and they will not introduce beneficial search results. In fact, in some cases, you might be introduced to the “We apologize for the inconvenience, but we weren't able to find results for this query” notification instead of any kind of search results!
It is most likely that Hotsearchresults.com was created to serve as an advertising tool, as the search results are modified to promote sponsored links. Information about you is collected by third-parties if you click on their advertisements, which is what is disclosed via the Privacy Policy. The hijacker itself can also use tracking cookies to spy on you, which can be risky as well. This is the main reason why you need to remove the hijacker even if you do not use it for web browsing. If you ignore this infection, it is likely to record information about you, and we cannot tell you how this information will be used. It is most likely that it will be used to create more attractive advertising, but other scenarios are possible as well.
How to delete Hotsearchresults.com
Your homepage is usually the start point for your online experience, and you need to make sure that the homepage you use is trustworthy, and, if you choose to use a search provider, you need to make sure it is one you can trust. We would not advise removing Hotsearchresults.com if this search provider was reliable, and we are hopeful that you will get rid of this infection as soon as possible. You can change the homepage using our guide below, but we strongly advise using an automated malware remover to look for any leftovers, delete the infections that are likely to be installed along with this strange hijacker, and protect your Windows security in the future.
Remove Hotsearchresults.com
Internet Explorer:
- Open the browser, tap Alt+T, and choose Internet options.
- Click the General tab, overwrite the Home Page, and click OK.
Mozilla Firefox:
- Open the browser, tap Alt+T, and choose Options.
- Move to the General menu and overwrite the Home Page URL.
Google Chrome:
- Open the browser, tap Alt+F, and choose Settings.
- Go to On Startup, select Open a specific page or set of pages, and choose Set pages.
- Overwrite the URL representing the undesirable start page and click OK.
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