What is helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware?
helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware is not a completely new threat, as research conducted by our experienced specialists has confirmed. It is just a new variant of Scarab-Bomber Ransomware. Without a doubt, it shares some similarities with its predecessor, so it was not hard to learn more about its behavior. It has turned out that the ransomware infection acts just like its predecessor. That is, once it infiltrates users’ computers, it immediately locks files found on them. Ransomware infections encrypt those files that users value the most. Some of these files are documents, images, and music. Crypto-threats no doubt use secure encryption algorithms to lock data on affected computers so that it would be impossible for ordinary computer users to unlock them without the unique key and the special decryptor. Only cyber criminals have them, but do not let them convince you to purchase these tools from them – they might not be sent to you even if you make a payment. In other words, you will lose your money as well. Since you cannot know whether you could unlock your files after you send money to cyber criminals, we suggest that you focus on the helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware removal instead. Once the threat is gone from the system, you could try out alternative data recovery methods, e.g. available automated data recovery tools.
What does helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware do?
The entrance of helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware does not go unnoticed because it immediately encrypts files on users’ computers after the successful entrance. Of course, it finds where the most valuable users’ files are located first. It will not take long to find out about which of your files have been locked because they all get the .helpersmasters@airmail.cc extension appended. Original extensions files contain are not removed as well, so they all turn into something like this: file.jpg.helpersmasters@airmail.cc. This is not the only modification that is applied upon the entrance of helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware. If this computer threat ever enters your system and locks files on it, you will also find your Wallpaper changed. An image with a padlock and an email address will be set as your new Wallpaper. Additionally, you should find a new .txt file dropped on your computer: HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT. If you open this file, you will find a ransom note there. It will inform you that files have been locked due to a security problem. We can assure you that this security problem is a successful entrance of the ransomware infection. You will also be told that only a special key and decryptor can unlock encrypted files for you. Of course, you will have to pay for it if you decide that you need your files back badly and cannot live without them. You will not find its price indicated in the ransom note, but if you are really going to purchase it from cyber criminals, you should contact them as soon as possible because it is very likely that the decryptor’s price depends on how fast you contact them.
Where does helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware come from?
helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware does not have a website users could download it from. According to researchers working at anti-spyware-101.com, it is very likely that this threat is dropped on users’ computers when they launch a malicious email attachment. Users do not know anything about that until they discover a bunch of encrypted files on their computers. According to specialists, users might download malware from an unreliable website as well. Usually, these are various file-sharing websites. Last but not least, if you have set username and password1 as your Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) credentials, they may get hacked and malware might be placed on your system without your permission in no time. If you are definitely not the most cautious person, keep security software enabled – it will protect you against all infections that will try to enter your system unnoticed.
How to get rid of helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware
It might seem that there is no point in removing helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware from the system if it has already encrypted all files, but, believe us, it is a must to remove it fully. If you do nothing about its presence on your system, it might cause you even more problems. For example, you might find even more files encrypted. You can still prevent this from happening. If you have encountered helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware, remove this threat ASAP using the step-by-step manual removal guide provided below this article.
helpersmasters@airmail.cc Ransomware removal guide
- Tap Win+R.
- Type regedit and click OK.
- Right-click on the random key, e.g. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WAPcAh.
- Select Delete.
- Move to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Locate the malicious Value that has a name consisting of random letters, e.g. WAPcAh.
- Delete it.
- Close Registry Editor and open Windows Explorer.
- Locate the .bmp file with a random name, e.g., WAPcAh.bmp in the same directory.
- Delete it.
- Remove all suspicious files you have opened recently.
- Empty Recycle Bin.
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