What is Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam?
Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam shows a warning message claiming hackers have intercepted information revealing the victim’s “dark secret life.” In exchange for them keeping this information to themselves and not sending it to the victim’s friends or family, the scammers demand to be paid in Bitcoins. Knowing this is just a scam, and in reality, the hackers most likely do not have anything compromising to reveal about you, we would recommend against paying the ransom. If you continue reading the article, you will find more useful details about Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam. As well as our instructions on what to do if you come across this warning message; you should find them at the end of this page.
Where does Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam come from?
It is crucial to understand Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam is not some malicious application, and technically it does not enter the system. It is nothing more than an email letter claiming someone has compromising information about the user and is willing to reveal it. The question is how hackers deliver the message from the victim’s email. Sadly, it is most likely they get the user’s password first. Our researchers at Anti-spyware-101.com tell there are a few ways the cybercriminals might get it. For starters, the hackers do not even need to get your email’s password if you use similar combinations for other accounts too. If this is true, they only need to get one of your accounts’ passcodes, which could be leaked during a data breach or might be recorded by malicious keyloggers. Not to mention, if it was leaked, it could have been sold on the dark web.
How does Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam work?
The creators of Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam should send an email letter to the victim from his own email. The warning message should state the cybercriminals have compromising information about the victim that will be shared with the contacts they claim to have discovered after hacking into the user’s computer. In reality, no one hacked into the system or took screenshots of user surfing adult web pages. The scammers only want their victims to believe they did it to make them pay in exchange for their silence. Naturally, users who have not visited any shady web pages may realize it is a scam; otherwise, the situation might cause panic. Especially, when the scammers ask from 800 to 900 US dollars for their silence. The sum has to be converted into Bitcoins and transferred to a specific account within 48 hours. In case the user does not pay, the warning should claim “all your contacts will get crazy shots from your dark secret life!” No matter how horrible the threats might sound like, researchers say there is no need to panic as it is just a scam and it is unlikely anything will happen. Thus, we recommend closing the message and taking care of Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam as fast as possible.
How to remove Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam?
Since Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam is not a malicious application, you cannot delete it. Nonetheless, it is crucial you take specific actions if you come across this warning message. To make it easier, we will list the precautions we recommend in the steps available below this article. Another thing you may want to do is perform a full system scan to make sure there is no malware on the computer.
Erase Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam
- Check your system with a legitimate antimalware tool.
- Change your email’s password with a strong combination.
- Replace other accounts’ passwords if they are identical or very similar to the email’s passcode.
- Erase the warning message.
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