What is HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware?
If the thought of losing your personal files makes you sweat profusely, HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware is an infection you want to learn more about. Just like hundreds and thousands of other file-encrypting ransom-demanding threats, this one is all about making your personal files unreadable. Unfortunately, a complex, unique encryptor is used by this threat, which is why you cannot decrypt your files using any kind of decryption software. Are you looking for free decryptors? If you find one that claims to decrypt the files with the “.hackdoor” extension appended to their names, you want to be very careful. At the time of research, Anti-Spyware-101.com could not find free decryptors that worked. What does that leave you with? Unfortunately, your only option might seem to pay a ransom that is requested by the attackers. The thing is that this is not a real option because cybercriminals are unlikely to give you anything in return for your money. Hopefully, even if you cannot decrypt files, you can still replace them, but only after you delete HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware.
How does HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware work?
Just like OnyxLocker Ransomware, Devos Ransomware, 2048 Ransomware, and many other well-known threats, HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware was created to encrypt your personal files. Obviously, it could not do that if you knew about its existence, which is why the threat needs to slither in without your notice. It could trick you into executing it by enticing you to open a spam email attachment or, perhaps, download a malicious file that poses as an installer of something useful and desirable. After successful execution, HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware is meant to delete shadow volume copies. By doing that, the infection ensures that you cannot go back in time and use a system restore point to recover the corrupted photos, documents, and other precious files. Although the threat only encrypts files found on the Desktop and in the Documents, Pictures, and Videos folders (all in the %USERPROFILE% directory), it can do serious damage. Once the infection corrupts files, it immediately drops two files of its own, and then it launches a pop-up window that points to the “!how_to_unlock_your_file.txt” file.
The .txt file is one of the two files that HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware drops. It displays a message that appears to have been stolen from the infections that belong to the infamous STOP Ransomware family. The purpose of the message is to convince you to do two things. One of them is to pay a ransom of $490 or $980 to the attackers. The note instructs to do that using Bitcoin, and the ransom has to be transferred to a wallet whose address is 3J1ixBvR1r7VHgu5zJV7Xhv4moKh1cGfJA. The second thing that the note instructs to do is to email DecryptFs@protonmail.com. It is even stated that victims can send one file to this email address to have it decrypted for free. Allegedly, this is how the attackers can prove to you that your files would be decrypted after the ransom payment. Is that how things would go? That is highly unlikely to be the case. HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware should also use a .bmp file to change the Desktop wallpaper and introduce yet another push to email DecryptFs@protonmail.com. Do not do that unless you want to have your email shared with schemers, and your inbox flooded with malicious messages.
How to delete HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware
If your files were encrypted by HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware, they cannot be restored, and even if you pay the ransom, you are unlikely to face a happy ending. In the best-case scenario, you have copies of all documents, photos, and other files you value stored outside the computer. Regardless of what kind of backup you are using, if you are able to access copies and replace the corrupted files with them, you will be able to forget about the infection. Of course, the first thing you need to do is remove HackdoorCrypt3r Ransomware. Can you do it manually? That depends on whether or not you can find the launcher file, whose location and name can be random. If manual removal is not an option for you, install an anti-malware tool. That is what we recommend doing anyway because only legitimate anti-malware safeguards can ensure that you do not face malicious threats again. Of course, since cybersecurity cannot be guaranteed, it is always a good idea to backup important files outside the computer too.
Removal Guide
- Locate the launcher file and Delete it immediately.
- Change your Desktop wallpaper to something you prefer.
- Tap Win+E keys to access Explorer and then enter %TEMP% into the quick access bar at the top.
- If you can find a file named wallpaper.bmp, you should Delete it.
- Move to the Desktop and Delete the file named !how_to_unlock_your_file.txt.
- Once you think all malicious files have been erased, Empty Recycle Bin.
- Finally, install and run a legitimate malware scanner to check for potential leftovers.
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