What is Guster Ransomware?
Guster Ransomware is a harmful malicious application that works just like other ransomware infections in order to extort money from people. As research has shown, it is another threat based on the engine of HiddenTear, which is known to be an open-source ransomware infection. Since it is based on the engine of this ransomware, it is clear that it uses the AES-256 encryption algorithm. It is a strong cipher used to lock users’ personal files stored on the computer. Files are not the only ones that will be locked if this ransomware infection sneaks onto the computer. This computer infection also opens a screen-locking window with a threatening message right after the successful entrance. You will see a flashing message there and a spinning skull at the bottom of the window. On top of that, the first sentence of the ransom note left to users will be played as spoken words. As can be seen, it does not try to hide the fact that it is already inside the computer, so it should not take long to realize that Guster Ransomware is the one performing activities on your system.
What does Guster Ransomware do?
Ransomware infections start working immediately after entering computers. In other words, they usually do not wait for a proper time to start acting the way they have been programmed to. Guster Ransomware is no exception. Once it is inside the computer, it scans the directory %USERPROFILE% and its subfolders and then encrypts all files it manages to find by appending a new filename extension .locked to every file. Also, it then creates a malicious process in the Task Manager in order to open the screen-locking window on Desktop. As it is stated in the message left, users have 48 hours to purchase 0.4 Bitcoin and sent it to cyber criminals in order to get files decrypted. Cyber crooks promise to “blow up your whole files” if they do not receive money and an email (users should write an email with their IDs to nucklearsupport@yandex.ru after making a payment) from you. It is evident that they try to scare users into transferring the ransom as soon as possible. No matter how badly you need your files back, you should not pay money to get the decryption tool. Instead, you should go to kill the process of Guster Ransomware first and then delete this computer infection fully from the system.
Keep in mind that it might be impossible to get the files back if the ransom is not paid because the strong encryption algorithm is used. Unfortunately, we cannot promise that you will receive a decryption tool from cyber criminals after transferring 0.4 Bitcoin as well. They often promise to unlock files but all they do is take users’ money and do not do anything in exchange. Of course, it does not necessarily mean that you have lost your forever files if you do not make a payment. Specialists should release a free decryptor sooner or later. Also, you can recover the personal data from a backup. Of course, this is possible only if files have been backed up before the entrance of the ransomware infection, and this backup is kept on an external storage device, e.g. a USB flash drive.
Where does Guster Ransomware come from?
Guster Ransomware has been detected only recently, so it is a new computer infection. Even though it is a new threat in the family of ransomware, it shares similarities with older infections. It not only encrypts users’ files and then demands a ransom, but it is also distributed exactly like these older malicious applications. Research has shown that it is also spread through malicious email attachments. In other words, it quickly enters a computer when a user opens an attachment from a spam email. We know that these emails are often made to look harmless, but you should stay away from the spam mail folder even if you get an email from a friend. What else you can do to protect your computer from malware is to install a security application. It will ensure the maximum protection of the computer.
How to delete Guster Ransomware
Users should go to delete Guster Ransomware from their PCs in order not to get new files encrypted again. Also, they will no longer see its window on their Desktops if they do that. Below this report are placed instructions that should help you to delete Guster Ransomware fully from the computer. If you do not think that you can erase this computer infection manually yourself, you should let an automatic tool, e.g. SpyHunter to perform this activity for you. Keep in mind that an automatic malware remover is not capable of unlocking files having the .locked filename extension too.
Remove Guster Ransomware
- Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc, click Processes, right-click on the malicious process and click End Process OR reboot your computer to remove the window ransomware has placed on Desktop.
- Find and delete the malicious file you have launched (check %TEMP%, %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, and %USERPROFILE%\Desktop).
- Empty the Recycle bin to remove the malicious components from PC fully.
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