What is Global-technical-solutionz.net?
Global-technical-solutionz.net is a server that displays fake alerts. These fake alerts try to convince you to try out some service, or “inform” you about potential security threats you have to address immediately. There is no way to remove Global-technical-solutionz.net from your computer because it is not a genuine malware infection. You have to close your browser and stay away from the website that caused this pop-up to appear in the first place. Finally, a full system scan would also be a good idea to check whether your computer is absolutely safe and clean.
Where does Global-technical-solutionz.net come from?
There is no computer infection that would be associated with the Global-technical-solutionz.net server. Our research specialists say that this domain could be used by adware developers and cyber criminals directly on a particular website. Therefore, seeing the Global-technical-solutionz.net pop-up on your screen does not necessarily mean that your computer infected with adware or malware.
It is far more likely that you have accessed a website that makes is being exploited by cyber criminals to distribute their content. Consequently, clicking a particular link on the website has caused the Global-technical-solutionz.net pop-up to appear in your web browser.
What does Global-technical-solutionz.net do?
The Global-technical-solutionz.net pop-up is the so-called browser locker. It means that the pop-up does not allow you to close your browser window. This technique is using a Java exploit to keep you on the page, and it seems that the only way to get rid of the messages to click the OK button on the notification, or simply follow the instructions and give the criminals what they need.
Needless to say, that would be a very bad decision because this way you would only help the people behind Global-technical-solutionz.net accomplish their goals. However, you can close the Global-technical-solutionz.net notification, if you kill your browser’s process via the Windows Task Manager. It is not a complicated thing to do, and we provide instructions on how to do that below this description.
How do I remove Global-technical-solutionz.net?
As mentioned above, there is no actual infection on your computer if you are seeing the Global-technical-solutionz.net pop-up, so you cannot remove any application directly. In order to avoid the notification in the future, you should stay away from the website that caused the Global-technical-solutionz.net pop-up to appear.
Nevertheless, once you close your browser, you should run a full system scan with the SpyHunter free scanner. If you managed to get affected by the Global-technical-solutionz.net notification, there is a good chance you have some adware programs on your system, so you should remove them all in order to protect your PC from far more serious threats. Should you need any assistance with ensure your system’s security, please do not hesitate to leave us a comment.
How to Kill the Browser’s Process
- Right-click your task-bar and select Start Task Manager.
- Click the Processes tab.
- Locate your browser’s process (iexplore.exe, firefox.exe, chrome.exe, etc.) and highlight it.
- Click the End Process button.
- Press the End Process button again.
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