What is Gamestabsearch.com?
Gamestabsearch.com is a search engine that you will see set in the place of your default search engine. Also, it will be opened for you if you open the New Tab page. You see it not without a reason. If this search engine appears to you every time you open your Google Chrome browser, there is no doubt that there is the Games extension installed on your PC. It should enable users to access all kinds of games and let them play with just one click. This piece of software might seem to be quite useful at first glance; however, it seems that only some users download it willingly from the Chrome Web Store (chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/games/npcphogbhjnabbfopangpfiooacedgpg?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog) or its official website lp.mygamestab.com. Users who are sure that they have not downloaded this software themselves have probably allowed it to enter their systems somehow differently, for example, specialists working at anti-spyware-101.com say that it might be enough to click on a pop-up advertisement to let it enter the computer. Of course, this is not the only way the Games extension is distributed. You will find out more about this questionable extension if you read the article.
What does Gamestabsearch.com do?
The Games extension itself is not dangerous and should not cause you any security-related problems; however, we cannot say the same about the search tool it sets as the default search engine and the New Tab page. Even though this search provider is based on the Yahoo! search engine and shows its results, it does not mean that these search results can be trusted fully. It did not take long for our researchers to find out that users see the modified search results as well. We have in mind those advertisements and sponsored-links that appear in the search results page. The developer of Gamestabsearch.com knows that less experienced users will not notice them and thus click on them fearlessly. In fact, this is the only thing the developer wants – to make users click on these sponsored search results because it gets money for growing the traffic of partners’ websites. We really doubt that it is interested in something more than just money. Therefore, we do not expect that Gamestabsearch.com promotes only trustworthy third-party websites. You probably clearly know that visits to bad websites might result in the entrance of malicious software, so you should not be surprised when you find out that you might end up on these corrupted websites and thus cause harm to your PC by using Gamestabsearch.com as the default search engine as well. There is only one solution to this problem – you need to delete Gamestabsearch.com and then start using another search tool that is known to be trustworthy.
Even though it is said that the Games extension has so many useful features, in reality, it is a simple extension that will be added to the list of browser extensions on Google Chrome. You will not only see the extension there, but could also find the folder npcphogbhjnabbfopangpfiooacedgpg (it has the same ID in the Chrome Web Store as well) in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions. This is the only folder it places on systems, which means that it should not be hard to erase it.
Where does Gamestabsearch.com come from?
The Games extension promoting Gamestabsearch.com can be downloaded from two sources: its official website or the Chrome Web Store. Undoubtedly, it might find other ways to enter computers as well. Research carried out by our specialists has shown that this extension might travel in software bundles. In addition, users might install it with a single click on a malicious pop-up advertisement. You need to be careful, but you should also know that it is not that easy to prevent malware from entering computers. Therefore, we suggest that you download the diagnostic SpyHunter scanner from our website (click on the Download button you can find below this article), upgrade it, and enable it. It will protect your PC from all kinds of dangers 24/7/365.
How to remove Gamestabsearch.com
Gamestabsearch.com is an inseparable part of the Games extension that is added to your Google Chrome browser if you see the presence of this search tool. Therefore, you will need to remove that extension in order to undo the changes applied. Feel free to use our manual removal guide. If it does not help you much, you can use an automatic scanner. Of course, you have to buy the license of a trustworthy tool first.
Delete Gamestabsearch.com
- Tap Win+E simultaneously.
- Copy and paste %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions in the URL bar.
- Tap Enter.
- Locate the folder with a bunch of random letters in its name: npcphogbhjnabbfopangpfiooacedgpg.
- Delete it.
N.B. Do not forget to find and erase all other undesirable applications. It is very likely that you have them, but do not know anything about their presence.
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