What is Fud@india.com?
Fud@india.com is an email used by a ransomware infection, and consequently, it is the main keyword that is associated with this infection. The email address is used to collect ransom payments from the affected users. You need to remove Fud@india.com from your computer as soon as possible and then turn to the professionals in order to restore your files. The infection might claim that it is impossible decrypt the files once Fud@india.com has done its job, but you should try out all the means possible to restore access to your documents.
Where does Fud@india.com come from?
This program seems to be a new variation of the so-called cryptoransomware that has been on the rise lately. Based on our research, Fud@india.com usually spreads through spam emails and various exploit kits. It means that in order to avoid getting infected with this ransomware program, you should NOT open emails from unfamiliar senders, especially if they have some attached files. Opening and running the spam email attachments is the straight way to Fud@india.com infection.
What is more, the Trojan that infects systems with Fud@india.com might also be hiding in various exploit kits that make use of security holes in a number of software applications. Either way, it shows that users need to be extremely careful when they browse the Internet because you can never know when a corrupted pop-up might appear on your screen. Infections like Fud@india.com are always just one click away!
What does Fud@india.com do?
Since Fud@india.com is a ransomware infection, you can expect it to exhibit the ugliest palette of the ransomware behavior. First, upon the infection the program starts automatically, encrypting all of your important files. Fud@india.com can encrypt .doc, .jpg, .xls files extensions, and many others. This would mean that the infection can deny access to almost all of the files you use on a daily basis. Thus, it is of no surprise that users panic when they see this message on their screens:
Attention! Your computer was attacked by virus-encoder. All your files are encrypted cryptographically strong, without the original key recovery is impossible!
Responses to letters only appropriate people are not adequate ignore.
Judging from the language in the message, that is very similar to the popular “All your base are now belong to us” meme, we can conclude that the hackers were rather sloppy in creating this infection, and they did not bother to check their grammar. On the other hand, they do not really need that to get their message across. Fud@india.com is explicit enough for users to understand what is being asked of them.
Nevertheless, you need to understand that there is no guarantee the people behind Fud@india.com would issue a genuine decryption key. Hence, you should not give away your money to cyber criminals.
How do I remove Fud@india.com?
We would advise investing in a licensed antispyware tool because this ransomware application is often categorized as a Trojan, and Trojan infections are hard to remove manually. Get yourself a reliable computer security tool and terminate everything related to Fud@india.com from your computer.
To protect yourself from similar infections, you should keep a file backup in an external hard drive. As for the encrypted files, please contact a local computer software specialist for any further instructions. The means you have to take to restore your files may differ from infection to infection, so it would be for the best to contact experienced specialists.
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