What is Frozrlock Ransomware?
The files encrypted by the malicious Frozrlock Ransomware can be very hard to identify because they are not marked with a unique extension, which is what usually happens when ransomware encrypts files. Because of that, the only way to know which files were corrupted by this threat is by trying to open every single file. Of course, the chances are that every single file on your computer – except Windows elements and files in %WINDIR%f – was encrypted. This malicious threat, of course, targets documents, media files, and photos first, but it can also corrupt the files of downloaded applications. Due to this, you might find that you can no longer use your browser and other apps. While you can restore your web browser, restoring personal files might be more complicated. Hopefully, these files are backed up; otherwise, they might be lost for good. Continue reading to learn all about the encryption of your files, as well as how to delete Frozrlock Ransomware (also known as FileFrozr Ransomware).
How does Frozrlock Ransomware work?
Frozrlock Ransomware might have many different names because it might have many different versions. According to Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers, the structure of this dangerous infection is available to anyone via frozrlockqqxz7a2.onion.link. As long as you have 150 US Dollars, and you can follow the instructions to build the ransomware, you can create your own threat using the resources of the Dark web. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that cyber crooks would pass up the possibility. Another well-known open source code is Hidden Tear, and we have seen hundreds of different ransomware infections to emerge from it. Some of them include Mordor Ransomware and Kindest Ransomware. Whichever version of the malicious Frozrlock Ransomware you are dealing with, the chances are that you attracted it by opening a corrupted spam email attachment. Although you might figure out that the file you downloaded is fake, it is unlikely that you would be able to stop the ransomware by removing it. That is because it immediately creates a copy of itself in %APPDATA%. If you do not delete this copy as well, all of your files are encrypted in just about 5 minutes.
Once the encryption is complete, Frozrlock Ransomware places a file named “THIS_YOU_MUST_READ.txt” on the Desktop. In the sample we tested, the message within the file was represented in Korean, and it informed that a payment of 0.1 Bitcoin was expected. At the time of research, this equaled $172. You are asked to pay this ransom via the link that is provided to you via the TXT files as well. You are also instructed to install the Tor Browser to access the site. Unfortunately, your personal files are encrypted using complex AES-256 and RSA-4096 algorithms, and only a special decryption key can help you unlock them. It is suggested that if you pay the ransom and email frozrteam@protonmail.com, all of your files will be unlocked; however, that is unlikely to happen. Of course, the creator of Frozrlock Ransomware might have the ability to decrypt them, but that does not mean that they would. So, if you choose to take the risk of paying the ransom, note that you might be left empty-handed. Unfortunately, at the moment, a legitimate and free file decryptor that could assist you does not exist, and so you do not have many options.
How to delete Frozrlock Ransomware
If you do not want to face file-encrypting malware again, you need to employ reliable security software as soon as possible. We are mentioning this because you can use the same software to protect your operating system and delete existing threats. A reliable anti-malware program can successfully remove Frozrlock Ransomware along with other threats that could be active. After that, it can ensure well-rounded protection for as long as you keep up with the updates. What about manual removal? Although that is not the best option, you are the one choosing the best option for yourself. Therefore, we have added a guide that can help you eliminate the ransomware manually as well. Note that if you find it impossible to find and erase the launcher and its copy, you should not waste time. What if you got your files decrypted? Even if you have managed to do that, you need to remove the ransomware ASAP.
Removal Instructions
- Find the launcher file, right-click it, and choose Delete.
- Simultaneously tap Win+E keys to access Explorer and then enter %APPDATA% into the bar at the top.
- Right-click and Delete the copy file. In our case, it was called UpdateServices.exe.
- Empty the Recycle Bin and then immediately perform a full system scan.
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