What is Flixtab Movie Center?
Flixtab Movie Center is yet another useless browser extension from the notorious Aztec Media Inc. We have seen dozens of similar search websites and new tabs like EasyZip New Tab and Download Manager Star. Our malware experts at anti-spyware-101.com say that these are all potentially unwanted programs (PUPS) that may look like innocent extensions and search engines, but at the end of the day, you can never be sure. This PUP does not mean direct danger, of course, and we do not claim that it has malicious intentions. However, it can still present to you questionable search results and may also enter your system with malware infections. All in all, we suggest that you remove Flixtab Movie Center from your browser to keep your PC clean. Please read our full report on this PUP to see how you can protect your computer from similar threats or worse in the future.
Where does Flixtab Movie Center come from?
If you have visited lp.moviesearchcenter.com, the official page, you may have installed this tool knowingly. This is a very simple page that offer you a big Free Download button. Another way for you to install this useless PUP officially is to visit the Chrome web store at chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/flixtab-movie-center/kcojcaalekfjjjjalodhgaaplfiljgoc. However, if you have never seen these pages before, chances are you cannot even recall installing it. Which leads us to the other alternative distribution methods that can bring serious threats to your system, and you will want to delete Flixtab Movie Center right away.
It is possible that you click on a third-party pop-up advertisement on a suspicious page and as a result, you drop a software bundle onto your system or get redirected to a malicious page where you can be scammed or tricked into downloading a bundle. This pop-up may tell you that you need to install the latest Flash driver to be able to watch streaming videos on the page. But it can also claim that your system is not secure and it is best to install a promoted security tool. Other ways to download a freeware bundle include, downloading free programs from shady file-sharing sites, clicking on third-party content on suspicious websites, or when your computer is infected with adware. Please note that if your system is not clean, it is always risky for you to go online and surf the web because you could be exposed to questionable and dangerous third-party content. This is why we say that it is best for you to run a reliable malware scanner after you delete Flixtab Movie Center from your browser.
How does Flixtab Movie Center work?
When you install this PUP, it changes your homepage, new tab, and default search engine to moviesearchcenter.com/?sid=792&aid=20&src=nt. This browser extension only seems to work in Google Chrome. It is possible that it collects information about you, such as your IP address, the pages you visit, how much time you spend on pages, what types of ads you click on, and so on. Then, this can be used to present to you customized advertising. However, cyber villains can also use this feature to mislead you and lure you to their malicious pages.
This is a totally worthless search page since it simply features quick links to a few movie-related websites, including gossips and news. It also provides you with a number of thumbnails to popular websites like Facebook, below the search box. Remember that you can always use the bookmarking function of your browser with safety. You do not need a tool like this to do so. Also, this search engine redirects your queries to modified Yahoo search results pages, which means exposure to possibly unreliable third-party ads and links. Clicking on such content could be risky and result in further system security issues. This is why we believe that you should remove Flixtab Movie Center from your computer as soon as possible.
How can I delete Flixtab Movie Center?
Finally, we have good news for you. It is really easy to eliminate this annoying PUP from your computer. All you need to do is delete the extension from the list of extensions in your Google Chrome browser's Extension Manager. Please follow our instructions below if you would like to get rid of this browser extension. Keep in mind that this may not clean your whole system. It is more likely that you have other threats on board, too. Therefore, we suggest that you start using a reliable anti-malware program, such as SpyHunter. This security tool can automatically protect your computer from all known malicious and potential threats. But it does not mean that you can neglect updating all your programs, including your Windows system and your browsers.
Remove Flixtab Movie Center from your browser
- Press Alt+F to display the menu.
- Open More tools.
- Select Extensions.
- Find the extension in the list and press the Trash can button on the right.
- In the pop-up window, press Remove.
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