
What is FileHunter?

FileHunter is a potentially unwanted application that might in the future enter your system. As it is seems to be quite reliable, many users keep it on the system. We cannot blame them for that because FileHunter says that it will enable users to download any media files they want (e.g., music, films, games, and TV shows). Unfortunately, FileHunter does not work as it should. In other words, it often shows errors when users try to use it. You are the one who can decide whether to keep such a program on the system; however, we think that it would be best if you delete this software and install another application in its place. It is advisable to do that not only because FileHunter does not act as it should, but also because this program might perform different undesirable activities behind your back. We will tell you more information about FileHunter in this article, so please continue reading it.testtest

How does FileHunter work?

Research carried out by the specialists at has shown that you might start seeing commercial advertisements on all the browsers after you install FileHunter on your system. Advertisements are usually annoying, might interfere with your browsing habits, and might even redirect you to unreliable web pages because nobody knows whether the links embedded into advertisements are really trustworthy. Moreover, we do not think that FileHunter can be fully trusted, because it searches for media files on the torrent website It is known that files available on torrent web pages are not always reliable even though they look like decent files. This means that there is a risk you will download an unreliable program if you use FileHunter. If you do not want this to happen, delete FileHunter as soon as you can and then install another application for downloading media files.

Like other potentially unwanted applications, FileHunter often comes bundled with other programs, especially freeware and shareware. As it is impossible to download FileHunter from any kind of website, there is no doubt that it enters systems together with other programs. We can guarantee that FileHunter is not the only program that acts like that, so you should be really careful in the future. First of all, you should always install programs carefully. Of course, this will not guarantee that malware will not manage to enter your system, so we suggest that you install a security tool on your computer, too. Never trust tools that are available on third-party web pages, because they are unreliable in most cases.

How to delete FileHunter

FileHunter can be deleted from your system very easily since it can be erased via Control Panel. If you need some help with the manual removal of this program, use our instructions put below this article. If FileHunter does not disappear or something strange is still happening on your PC (e.g., you still see advertisements), scan your system with an automatic malware remover, such as SpyHunter. It will erase all the existing unreliable programs. Besides, we know that it will take care of your PC’s safety, which means that you will not encounter undesirable software ever again.

How to delete FileHunter

Windows XP

  1. Click the Start button and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Select the program and click Remove.

Windows 7 and Vista

  1. Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Click Uninstall a program.
  3. Select the program and click Uninstall.

Windows 8/8.1/10

  1. Launch RUN and enter Control Panel in the box. Click OK.
  2. Click Uninstall a program.
  3. Select the undesirable software.
  4. Click Uninstall.
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tested removal of FileHunter*

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