What is File Integrity Checker?
With all the online threats facing healthy PCs these days it has become increasingly more difficult for users to distinguish between genuine and rubbish rogue antispyware applications like File Integrity Checker. This rogue antispyware application was never designed to be of any benefit to a PC, and will not relent until it manages to rip its victims off. File Integrity Checker pretends to be a genuine and powerful security tool when in fact the opposite is true.
File Integrity Checker makes use of genuine looking graphical user interfaces to convince its victims of its authenticity. It will initiate a fake security scan of the system which will inform the user that his PC is being attacked, and that he needs to purchase File Integrity Checker in order stave off these attacks. The truth is File Integrity Checker has no ability to detect or remove any type of threat from the system, and is nothing more than a malicious infection in itself.
This rogue will cause the victim to not be able to launch his applications on the infected PC, and will block his access to the Internet. In order to limit the damage this rogue will be able to cause your PC, destroy File Integrity Checker with the help of a powerful and legitimate security tool.
File Integrity Checker belongs to a subgroup of rogues called fake defragmenters. It comes from the Win32/FakeSysdef family of fake defragmenters and can be just as dangerous as other similar rogues, including Windows Diagnostic, HDD Defragmenter, Check Disk and others.
File Integrity Checker is designed to flood you with fake security messages that would make it look as if your computer was in a big trouble:
Critical Error
Hard Drive not found. Missing hard drive.Critical Error!
Windows was unable to save all the data for the file \System32\496A8300. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware.Critical Error!
Damaged hard drive clusters detected. Private data is at risk.Critical Error
Windows can’t find hard disk space. Hard drive errorCritical Error
A critical error has occurred while indexing data stored on hard drive. System restart required.Critical Error
RAM memory usage is critically high. RAM memory failure.Low Disk Space
You are running very low disk space on Local Disk (C:).
However, when you think about it, if hard drive was really missing just as File Integrity Checker is telling you, it would not be possible to run your computer at all. So there's a definite proof that File Integrity Checker is a fraudulent program you have to delete immediately. Do not wait until your computer becomes too slow to do anything about it, remove File Integrity Checker right now.
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