What is ExpBoot Ransomware?
If you can find the “.ExpBoot” extension attached at the end of your files’ names, ExpBoot Ransomware must have found a way to invade your operating system. Anti-Spyware-101.com research team has tested this infection in an internal lab, but it was not possible to determine a singular pathway into a system. It is possible that the infection could use different distribution techniques (via spam email, RDP backdoors, malware downloaders, or unreliable websites), but it is also possible that one specific method would be used. At this moment, however, that is unclear. We also cannot promise that the infection will not encrypt files in the future, which is what it claims to be capable of doing now. In reality, this infection does not encrypt files, and, instead, simply adds an alien extension to the files’ names to make sure that you cannot open them. Unfortunately, this could trick some victims into thinking that encryption has happened. Right now, however, if you delete ExpBoot Ransomware and remove the added extension, your files will be “restored.”
How does ExpBoot Ransomware work?
ExpBoot Ransomware displays an offensive, Pepto-Bismol-color window with what we recognize as a ransom note. At the top of the window, an aggressive statement suggesting that all files were encrypted is displayed, and below that, you have a timer and a “Decrypt” button, that, evidently, should lead to file decryption. Most likely, of course, you will be routed to a page instructing you to pay a ransom. The ransom note window should also display a button/link to a Q&A section. Our researchers have checked out these questions and answers, and they are all meant to convince the victims that files were encrypted and that a ransom must be paid for recovery. According to the information provided, the victim has to charge 10,000 batteries to a user whose ID code is 185636167. Unfortunately, that is all that we know at this point. Obviously, paying the ransom is not the right move if ExpBoot Ransomware has not encrypted your files. In fact, even if files were encrypted, we would not suggest paying the ransom because, most likely, that would be a waste of your money.
How to secure your personal files
You might be ready to remove ExpBoot Ransomware from your operating system, but there is one more topic to discuss, and that is the safety of your personal files. In this situation, your files appear to be unharmed, and you should be able to access/read them normally after deleting the suspicious extension. Unfortunately, there are thousands of file-encrypting threats that employ complex encryption algorithms to corrupt files, and they usually leave these files unrecoverable. Now, we do not know if you will ever face this kind of malware, but at least one infection has already managed to get in and wreak havoc, which is why we suggest rethinking security. Without a doubt, implementing reliable anti-malware software that could detect and remove malware before it causes problems is important, but it is also important to backup your files. Use online cloud storage or external drives to create copies of your files to protect them. They will act as replacements if files get encrypted.
How to delete ExpBoot Ransomware
ExpBoot Ransomware is an infection that you need to remove from your operating system right away. Sure, it might not have damaged your personal files, but it is a tool that belongs to cyber criminals, and they are completely unpredictable. Surely, you would not want to experience more problems just because you decided to postpone removal, would you? If you are considering manual removal of ExpBoot Ransomware, you will have to proceed on your own because the launcher of this infection could be anywhere, and its name could be random or misleading. An alternative route is to install an anti-malware program that will automatically detect and delete active infections. Without a doubt, this is an easy way out of a messy situation. On top of that, you can gain reliable full-time protection as a bonus. Now that you have your options, all you have to do is choose the preferred one, but if you have questions that you want answered before making moves, contact us by posting a comment below.
Removal Guide
- Locate the [unknown name].exe file that launched the ransomware.
- Right-click the file and choose Delete.
- Locate the file with the .expboot extension.
- Right-click the file, choose Rename, and then delete the added extension.
- Empty Recycle Bin and then thoroughly inspect your system using a malware scanner.
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